New HST cycle

The power

New Member
Hi, I'm new in this forum.
I've done some HST cycles in the past with good results.
I want to do an HST cycle with chin ups and dips, but I'm not strong enough to do it in 15 repetitions.
My actual results are: chin ups with 5 kg (about 11,5 lbs) overload : 10 repetitions, dips with 10 kg (about 13 lbs) overload: 10 repetitions.
There was not to failure, but near it, specially for chin ups.
So what can I do to put in them in my HST cycle (inclused 15 repetitions?).
I have a home gym, but I haven't the system to do them assisted.
Thank you sorry for my bad english
They are assisted by your legs. Put a box or milk crate under yourself and assist only the reps you cannot complete.
OR...just cluster the reps. Do as many as you can in a row and rest-pause or step back for 30 seconds and finish in clusters.
You aren't very far at all from doing 15 in a straight set, but it doesn't matter anyway. It's proportional to your present strengths, and you allready can do the tens. The 15's just get you ready for the tens, heal and condition you. They're not so much for growth.
edit: WELCOME to HST! English isn't everyone's first language here.
So can I do in the 15 reps ten repetitions only with body weight (quite far from the failure) , then 30 seconds rest an then the extra 5 repetitions? So I have to do this in all 15 repetition workout, then I should begin using overloads in the last 10 repetition workouts (particullary on chin ups when I'm weaker then dips).
How can I calculate the correct weights in theese two exercises (dips an chin ups)?
Thank you

Welcome to HST.

A quad said, 15's are not for growth, you are not required to do them chins with weight then, I for one do not use weights at all during 15's, that way I do them 15 straight, I start using weights from 10's onwards.

Same goes for teh dips if you struggle!
Ok.. thank you.. I'll finish my actual training so I think then I begin new HST cycle

I think I can do:

Bench press (2X15 / 2X10 / 4X5 )
chin ups (2X15/ 2X10/ 4X5)
dips (1X15/ 1X10/ 2X5)
barbell row (1X15/1X10/2X5)
dumbells on incline bench ((1X15/1X10/2X5)
deadlift (2X15/ 2X10/ 4X5)
barbell arm curl (1X15/ 1X10/2X5)

military press (2X15 / 2X10 / 4X5 )
squat (2X15 / 2X10 / 4X5 )
leg curl (1X15/ 1X10/2X5)
sit up (no HST 3X25)
calf (no HST 2X20 overload)
one exercise for extrarotators

What do you think about? Can I do some drop sets in the 5's weeks? I'm running also twice a week (slow run+ some sprints with rest). I should do routine A for exemple Mon/ Wen/Fri and routine B Tue/ Thu/Sat , or only three days morning/ afternoon?
A quick overview:

Do one set only for the arms, what do you mean by d/bs on incline bench? Switch barbel rows to B) workout, as you already doing Chinups for A).

I would rather do deadlifts first thing but that is a personal choice.

What exercise for external rotators? Sounds like a maintenance/warmup type thing to me, then rather do this first thing to get shoulder up to standard.

This is as I said a quick overview designed to optimize your time in the gym and waste as little time/strength as possible.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> what do you mean by d/bs on incline bench?</div>
I mean bench press on incline bench

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What exercise for external rotators?</div>
I think &quot;cuban military press&quot;, sorry I don't know the right name or another exercise &quot;YWTL circuit&quot;.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Switch barbel rows to B) workout, as you already doing Chinups for A).</div>
Yes, but so do I train my back too frequently?

So with your suggestions:

Bench press (2X15 / 2X10 / 4X5 )
chin ups (2X15/ 2X10/ 4X5)
dips (1X15/ 1X10/ 2X5)
deadlift (2X15/ 2X10/ 4X5)
dumbells on incline bench ((1X15/1X10/2X5)
barbell arm curl (1X15/ 1X10/1X5)

military press (2X15 / 2X10 / 4X5 )
squat (2X15 / 2X10 / 4X5 )
leg curl (1X15/ 1X10/2X5)
barbell row (1X15/1X10/2X5)
sit up (no HST 3X25)
calf (no HST 2X20 overload)
one exercise for extrarotators

Can I do some drop sets in the 5's weeks? I'm running also twice a week (slow run+ some sprints with rest). I should do routine A for exemple Mon/ Wen/Fri and routine B Tue/ Thu/Sat , or only three days morning/ afternoon?
Welcome The Power (trokji) followed my suggestion
here you'll have the best suggestions for your HST. I never find so friendly people on a FORUM: YOU're ALL GREAT GUYS
Welcome Power!

Seems like your questions have been ably answered.

Just in case you haven't seen it, do check the Simplify and Win thread (see link in my footer) as it has some good advice for setting up a basic yet highly effective routine.

I'd do another heavy set in the 5s rather than a drop set but that's just me. Two might well be enough for you.

If you are running during the week I would limit full-body workouts to 3 x weekly. That should be plenty. You'll need to eat a whole pile of food if you are an active person and want to gain weight so make sure your calorie intake fits with your goals.

Many of us here work out at home too so you are in good company; Quad can solve pretty much any lifting problem you might have in your own gym.  
thank you

Ok I'll follow your link!

I think to do split A/ B to doing more exercises that I think to be useful. In the past I did classical HST full body!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Just in case you haven't seen it, do check the Simplify and Win thread (see link in my footer) as it has some good advice for setting up a basic yet highly effective routine.</div>

Thanks Lol...didn't want to blow my horn yet again!

The Power (I'd prefer a name...but then again

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">dumbells on incline bench ((1X15/1X10/2X5)</div>

Put these in workout B as you already doing bench on A.

Cuban presses are very good but not for building size, if done correctly they will humble you
, use this as a warmup exercise for your rotators.

For shoulders you better off doing Military Presses right through for each workout (both A and B), and then when it gets really heavy switch to push presses. In fact that is the one exercise missing
as you don't work out your shoulders anywhere...include mil. press please, or your shoulders will start falling behind as they only get some work from bench and slight from dips and chins.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yes, but so do I train my back too frequently?</div>

I think it is a matter of balance. Else you'll be working it once/week.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Can I do some drop sets in the 5's weeks?</div>

Yep, way to go!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm running also twice a week (slow run+ some sprints with rest). I should do routine A for exemple Mon/ Wen/Fri and routine B Tue/ Thu/Sat , or only three days morning/ afternoon? </div>

As Lol puts it, that will amount to too much, use alternate method 3 x week A/B/A/B/A/B, that work well, then you can incorporate your running, no problem.

I think the program looks good otherwise...enjoy...and don't forget to EAT!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Cuban presses are very good but not for building size, if done correctly they will humble you
, use this as a warmup exercise for your rotators.</div>

Yes, but I fear to spend energy for the following exercises

Ok so with your suggestions:

Bench press (2X15 / 2X10 / 4X5 )
chin ups (2X15/ 2X10/ 4X5)
military press (2X15 / 2X10 / 4X5 )
deadlift (2X15/ 2X10/ 4X5)
dips (1X15/ 1X10/ 2X5)
barbell arm curl (1X15/ 1X10/1X5)
sit up (no HST 3X25)

dumbells on incline bench (1X15/1X10/2X5)
squat (2X15 / 2X10 / 4X5 )
military press (2X15 / 2X10 / 4X5 )
leg curl (1X15/ 1X10/2X5)
barbell row (1X15/1X10/2X5)
calf (no HST 2X20 overload)
one exercise for extrarotators

If like I said first was too much I can do: for example routine A Mon, routine B Wed, routine A Fri

Next week routine B Mon, routine A Wed , routine B Fri

and then.. it's correct?

in this case how organise the correct weight progression?
In the past I did only full body three times a week

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
For shoulders you better off doing Military Presses right through for each workout (both A and B), and then when it gets really heavy switch to push presses. In fact that is the one exercise missing
as you don't work out your shoulders anywhere...include mil. press please, or your shoulders will start falling behind as they only get some work from bench and slight from dips and chins.</div>

Sorry I haven't uderstood very much..
. I've included military press in all two workouts (I've undestood this
my actual 1 RM military press is about 65 kg - about 140 lbs.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If like I said first was too much I can do: for example routine A Mon, routine B Wed, routine A Fri

Next week routine B Mon, routine A Wed , routine B Fri</div>
Yup, that's fine. Once you find deadlifting 2 x weekly too much for your lower back to recover adequately (usually once you are lifting over 2 x body weight) you could do deads on Wednesdays only and squat on Mondays and Fridays.
Ok so I do indipendently by the A or B workout deadlift only Wed and Squat mon and Fri.
So for the progressive loading?
I do for exemple A=75% , B= 80%, A=85..
or A= 75%, B= 75%, A=80%, b=80%..

If in the second or third set i will not do the estabilished number of reps (for example 2X10 10 - 8 or 4X5 5 - 4- 4-3-3) I'll do olny the reps number that i can do or I have to do additional sets to complete the total repetiton number (for example: 4X5= 20 5- 4- 4- 3 only 14 so I do also 3 - 3?
Don't let the A/B thing confuse you, use 10% for the big ones (squats/deadlifts/bench) and 5% for teh smaller ones like the mil press, use that rule of thumb for your increases and increase each exercise each workout regardless of whether you doing it teat day or not!
Ok so I:
calculate my approximative 15 RM for all exercises
Then I can begin the cicle
So I begin 75% for all exercises (progression 5% until arrive to 100%)
I begin 80% only in squat, deadlift, bench press (progression 80%,90%,100%)
It's correct? But it isn't right progression in all exercises in workouts I think
Calculate 15 RM, 10 RM and 5 RM for all exercises, that is the correct way, however you can calculate the others from the 15's.

I'd rather say 65 - 70% for starters, 80% is a bit over the top, use 70% of each RM block which means you will get same overlapping when cahnging rep ranges but this is by design and it is good fo you anyway.

Linear progression can get a bit much, I talk from experience!

One of us can give you a excel sheet for you to draw up your cycle, but there is a standard form in the site.