new to HST: how's my program


New Member
I am a beginner. I've done my fair share of research on all types of training, but i have 0 years of experience under my belt. Here's the program that i will be starting in 2 weeks. (SD, after finding my maxes) Be honest, I'd appreciate any input.
15s- 1 set, 3x/wk=45reps. 10s- 2 sets, 3x/wk=60reps.
5s- 3sets, 3x/wk=45reps.
*3s(more for strength, instead of doing negatives IMHO) 5sets, 3x/wk=45reps.
Exercises: (each group is to be done in superset fashion: BB Row, rest, BB Bench, rest, then repeat) Squat/Romanian DL; BB Row/BB Bench;
Military Press/Donkey Raises; High Row Machine/Skull Crushers.
Weekly Frequency per body part(total reps): (my back is lagging behind my chest so i gave it 2 exercises- notice how i split the work up for back.)
15s 10s(2sets) 5s(3sets) 3s(5sets)
Back(2 exercises): 90 60(1set/per 45(2;1) 45(3;2)
aka (1;1)
Quads: 45 60 45 45
Hamstrings: 45 60 45 45
Calf: 45 60 45 45
Chest: 45 60 45 45
Shoulders: 45 60 45 45
*Triceps(also 45 30(1set) 30(2sets) 27(3sets)
*Since tri's are a relatively small muscle, i thought that using the same volume as the bigger muscles would be overkill.
*I also thought that instead of negatives, the 3s would provide for some good strength increases, but i also made sure to keep the total weekly volume constant(in terms of reps per week) to maintain quality size gains. Am i putting too much thought and personalization into it(notice how im not changing any principles) or am i on the right track? From what I've been reading HST IS THE $HIT.
Holla back!
Hello Blaks85 :)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]what I've been reading HST IS THE $HIT.

:D Yeah pretty much.

As far as your program goes... first, for the 15's, do try to accomplish 2 sets for each exercise. It's really more for the lactic acid build up, so we just do a good amount of reps. It's light, so no danger of pushing yourself too much by doing two sets.

Trying for 3 sets on the 5's? You have no experience yet as you said, so my advice is: don't. Just do two sets for the first week of the 10's and first week of 5's. Then on the second week of both, do only 1 set. Believe it, if you got your maxes right by testing them, that's all you need, have faith! At around 80-90% of your 1RM, as little as 4 reps is enough to stimulate hypertrophy, and that is generally around the second week of your 5's, so just do one nice proper set per exercise and that's it. Otherwise, having no experience and all, you might end up in the no man's land called CNS fatigue.

I'm not sure though if you might have put on too many exercises, I really couldn't understand the part where you mentioned your exercises (don't worry, it's just me :) ). Just be sure to keep the workout short; don't go over an hour. Any longer and your body would be producing unholy amounts of cortisol (that's a bad thing). If you find that your workouts take so long, you may consider dropping an exercise or two, or simply removing a set from a few exercises.

That's about it. Just also make sure you have a proper diet and enough rest, and you are well on the way to a better physique if you just keep at it. :)
HI Blaks85

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Trying for 3 sets on the 5's? You have no experience yet as you said, so my advice is: don't. Just do two sets for the first week of the 10's and first week of 5's.

JV is right on the money! the safety range for big weights is 4 - 6, so Bryan was right to choose 5 which is the average!

Follow the program Dude! No matter how much you've read!

Your muscles haven't been there, only your brains

1 - Follow the protocol for the first few cycles to get the hang of it.
2 - Only start tweaking and adapting training routines once you have gathered a few months of experience.
3 - Keep things simple.
4 - Keep workouts below 60 minutes tops.

Supersets are good, use wisely!

Usually the guys would do this:

15's 2 to 3 sets
10's 2 sets
5's 1 - 2 sets
negs 1 - 2 sets

Try it out mate
Yea, i had a feeling you guys would say that. lol.  I mean, the program looks really good on paper.  Sound principles and all, but my body just isnt ready for all that work.  I really appreciate your advise. Sometimes my mind just runs with things, ya know?  I just got caught up with the idea that regular training programs volume isnt the problem, its the low frequency.  And i just thought i was supposed to use the same volume spread over the week with 3 fullbody wkouts, but i forgot 1 thing: in regular programs, cns fatigue is common, but with HST that gets a "hell no".   Good lookin out yall !
I would have to agree with the others. As a beginner, I'd stick to the basics for at least one cycle until you get the feel for it. Good luck.
I agree for the most part. The only difference I would do differently is I would not rest between my supersets unless you have to. Meaning I would do chest then straight to back...then rest. If you can do that try it..if it too much then rest as needed. Also I would say that you could possible get by with just 1 set of the 15's and 2 with 10's and at least 2 with the 5's if not adding 3 sets your last week.

Again though I maybe getting ahead of myself b/c if you a truely a beginner the guys are right by the volume with the 5's it just depends if you are a beginner to weight training or if you are a beginner to HST. If you have been working out for a while I would go a little higher with say at least 2 sets those last weeks of 5's.

I agree completely with what the guys are saying about going below the 5 reps mark. I know from experience and injury there is no need to go below that mark.

good luck and let us know how you like it....after training for 10 years I have never found a more SOUND and proven program!

HST Rocks!

To joe, yeah, he's pretty much a true beginner. Like Blaks85 said himself:
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I am a beginner. I've done my fair share of research on all types of training, but i have 0 years of experience under my belt.

To blaks85, dude, don't worry. The pips here have your back. Dude, we got you. For anything else, just post away or start a thread, be our guest!

Good luck! :)
Good looking out to all of you.  Im 19; 6'2" and 225 LBS.  I have really wide shoulders- long arms, skinny wrists, long legs (not saying this because i'm 225 lbs, even if i was 190 i'd still say the same)  As you can tell im overweight, i'm at about 15-17% bf.  I used to box(amateur) at a very competitive weight of 180-190 (that was when i was 16) I've been out of hs since 17, but i played varsity bball since 10grade (that got me in really good shape-conditioning wise)  As far as working out, all i ever really did was a lot of push ups and pull ups and a whole lot of running. (at least until i blew out my knee- thats to how i got to 225lbs and a high bf%) Also as a note, as a youngster (up until 13) i was at a bf% of around 25- 30!  I'm really excited about weight lifting in general as my older brother (30 y/o) is same height as me and 225lbs with about 8%bf.  When he was in his early twenties he was obsessed with being huge (6'2" 240lbs 11%bf). Now his old conservative a$$ is going more for that slimmer cutter look. IMHO i think he's crazy, i would love to be 240lbs 8- 11%bf till the end of time.  Well thats my profile.  I'll definitely be keeping in touch. 1 luv!
Blak first off congrats on being a boxer. I trained briefly for about 3 months in college nothing to serious. And I can tell you it is one of the hardest sports there is.

Since you are a true beginner and new to weights, man you are going to love it. Everyone when the first start working out for the firs time see's good results so by you doing the research and starting with HSt the results are unlimited. And the guys here can help you through everything. This forum will answer you quickly and professionally which is hard to come by these days.

As for your brother being 30 and wanting to be slim now...I lol at that, b/c I can relate. I am only 27 but when I just started college at your age I wanted to be the same way, 235 and 3 % bodyfat, which don't get me wrong is dang inpressive, but there is something about getting a little older that makes you tend to like there really ripped model look, well at least I know I do now that Im

Anyway I will quit blabbing and say welcome to the boards and more important welcome to HST! You will love the results.

Good luck and train Hard!

Joe! :D
Ah yes, how lucky you are Blak. Young, enthusiastic, and never lifted a weight before... even if you don't do HST, you'd see results just by hitting the weights. With HST, you are in for good results.

Well, I remember when I was 19... I have to say, I'm quite envious of the time you are in right now. I just wish all modern research available right now was also available to me when I started. But no, all I could depend on then was Arnold's "Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding". Must have wasted my time with all that "train to failure, not just a predeterminded number of reps" and "confuse a muscle by hitting it with different exercises each time" advice it gave. Geez!

It's a good time to be a bodybuilder right now, and you can take full advantage of that! :D

Cool. I respect the wealth of knowledge this boards brings.  Right now i'm trying to gain as much muscle mass as possible while either losing fat or maintaing fat levels. (i never really wanted to be that cut, im focused on getting my "gorrilla on first")  Once i get the muscular physique that i seek in terms of size, somewhere around 250-260 lbs and no MORE than 15% bf (eventualy, i got nothing but time) then i would cut down to about 10% bf (if not already there- all that muscle would give me a crazy metabolism) I would then probably switch to a system focus more on power and strength while maintaing that size. And im going to do it all naturally (im only 19. im 6'2" never lifted a weight yet i still have a LBM of at least 180-190. With a lot of time i think it would be feasable to add almost 100 lbs of muscle to that)  I could see myself content with that.  At least until i reach those goals!  ;)  Think of Bill Kazmaier in his prime : huge, yet still crazy strong for his size, non-body builder type bf levels, yet still muscular.  He's a beast!  
All in all i admire the discipline and determination of bodybuilders in the persuit of perfection, but i seek a finished product more like a HW (maybe SHW) powerlifter who's in shape and not a big fat strong PIG. lol No discrimination to the out of shape power lifters out there (me, without the power and strength, lol) intended, just trying to impose the mental images of the two and their differences.
One more thing:
i know i talk (well... type) waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy to much, but oh well.  Im just so focused and excited.

Bill Kazmaier is the one on the left.



If I were you, I'm timing it at 38...almost 39 just a coupkle of weeks,I'd keep the bf at 10% and just load on the mass with good nutrition, saves allhe work of trying to loose it afterwards!

I wish I was 19 again and know as much as I know now, plus be able to lift as much as I do now! What a waste of testosterone that was!!!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I wish I was 19 again and know as much as I know now, plus be able to lift as much as I do now! What a waste of testosterone that was!!!

Fausto... I wish the same thing! Dude, curse those years when, check this out, each session was to train with absolute failure. Use max weights all the time while going for absolute failure. And alternating exercises to confuse the muscles every now and then. No rest, just keep at it over and over again. At your max load. GRRRR!!!! It's like the years of anit-HST!!! And all my free-flowing testosterone wasted on just that.


[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Fausto... I wish the same thing! Dude, curse those years when, check this out, each session was to train with absolute failure. Use max weights all the time while going for absolute failure. And alternating exercises to confuse the muscles every now and then.

Sniff, sniff....
, I guess we did not know any better then hey?

Bu we certainly are going to make up for it now and help whomever we can!

I remember being called a dinossaur once before by a very young girl, well this dinossaur can certainly kick some young @$$, that is for sure.
