new to hst


New Member
i have been doing a strength training programme but coming to the end of it now in a few weeks so looking to start training for size for off season rugby. was told to try hst as it is apparently pretty good! just wondering do you all follow the routine on the site? or is there a differnt improved routine rather than the 8 exercises for whole body?
i have been doing a strength training programme but coming to the end of it now in a few weeks so looking to start training for size for off season rugby. was told to try hst as it is apparently pretty good! just wondering do you all follow the routine on the site? or is there a differnt improved routine rather than the 8 exercises for whole body?

pick the exercises you like or want.
right so i have spent about 3 hours reading around this site trying to figure out what way you do hst lol sorry for all the posts btw
pull ups/BOR
military press/upright row

does this mean Monday - A Wed - B Fri - A Mon - B Wed - A Fri - B or are you supposed to do both sessions in one day? i couldnt figure this out from reading journals.
I understand like the 1 set of 15 reps each time working up to max on third session but how does it work with 2 x 10 and 3 x 5? for example say my 10 rep max on squat is 60kg what way do i work up to 60kg? sorry if this makes no sense
right so i have spent about 3 hours reading around this site trying to figure out what way you do hst lol sorry for all the posts btw
pull ups/BOR
military press/upright row

does this mean Monday - A Wed - B Fri - A Mon - B Wed - A Fri - B or are you supposed to do both sessions in one day? i couldnt figure this out from reading journals.
I understand like the 1 set of 15 reps each time working up to max on third session but how does it work with 2 x 10 and 3 x 5? for example say my 10 rep max on squat is 60kg what way do i work up to 60kg? sorry if this makes no sense
if your going to do an AB split yes you do it that way,so that means that you are doing three sesions per exercise rather than six,so instead of this 35,40,45,50,55,60,you do this 50,55,60,or 40,50,60.
right im hopefully going to have SD next week but i was wondering about doing pull ups? my body is all out of sync because of how i gymed until about a year ago ie. badly! my bench and squat 5rm are oddly both 85kg while m BOR is 62.5kg because of this my back is a lot weaker. so i was wondering there is no way i would be able to get 15 reps on pull ups atm i can do about 8 for one set and im wrecked is it better to use assisted pull ups or pull downs? Also as i am off season rugby i need to start getting fit so areshuttle sprints allowed during hst or sd?
ohh sorry is it also possible to add in jump squats?? is it best to do them at end of the day that you do squats?