New Workout and Before & After Pictures


New Member
Guys, In the old workout I was trying to bring up my lagging parts especially my shoulders (deltoids), but now, I find that my shoulders & my lagging parts have grown, especially the traps and what I'm trying to focus on right now is my deltoids, because I have narrow shoulders due to my ectomorphic body type.

So I'm thinking of removing the traps workout including all other extra sets that I do for my lagging parts, since Shoulder Press trains the Traps as well right? so Instead I'm just gonna switch between Lateral Raise and Shoulder Press, Lateral Raise for the mid-section of my Deltoids and Shoulder Press for all Deltoids section + Traps since it works the traps too. And I also want to use supersets with little or no rest at all to make me workout in a shorter period of time (Because I also find myself more energetic in working out when I do it that way). Here are the old and new workout below:

Old HST Workout (Time: About 1 hour 15 mins to 1 hour 30 mins)
Old Workout A
Bench Press
Bent Over Row
Db Lateral Raise
Db Shrugs
Db Bicep Curls
Lying Tricep Extension
Straight Calf Raises

Old Workout B
Chin Ups
Shoulder Press
Db Shrugs
Db Bicep Curls
Close Grip Push Ups (triceps)
Straight Calf Raises

New HST Workout (I use superset now):
Time: 45 to 50 Mins.
New Workout A:
Superset 1 : Squat & Bench Press
Superset 2: Bent Over Row & Shoulder Press
Superset 3: Db Bicep Curls & Standing Calf Raises
Superset 4: Lying Tricep Ext & Crunches

New Workout B:
Superset 1 : Deadlift & Dips
Superset 2: Bent Over Row & Db Lateral Raise
Superset 3: Db Bicep Curls & Standing Calf Raises
Superset 4: Lying Tricep Ext & Crunches

Note: I superset between Upper and Lower Body. Except for the Bent Over Row and Shoulder Workouts, I wonder if thats ok?

What do you guys think?

My stats are in the pictures.

Goal: To Look good with shirt on first, then with shirt off.

Note 1: In the After picture of my Before & After pictures, I inserted a small role of tissue paper on each of my deltoids
because I was trying to see how it is when my deltoids are bigger.

Note 2: Btw, the before & after photos was not due to HST program, but it was another program I followed in my past, but HST made me look more muscular than my previous program.

Btw, for my diet, I go to the toilet about 2 times a day average lately. And my crap weight is about 1 kg Lol. I was wondering if I should reduce my calories a little bit? or is it normal to crap 2 times a day ? Lol, it's getting kinda tiring. Been like this since I increased my calories 2 months ago.
Well you put on 10+ kg of lean mass which good progress.

I'm not sure about the need to superset and I'm curious to know as to why you use it. But other than that I say, if you make progress then your training & diert is correct and if it isn't broken don't fix it.

Just keep doing what you're doing and really make sure your technique is textbook.
I use superset to save time, the program that I used during those previous 5 months was a program based on supersets as well. I find that I can save time while having more energy to do the workout then to just wait around and rest. Somehow I lose energy to workout when I wait around long to rest.

Btw, for my diet, I go to the toilet about 2 times a day average lately. And my crap weight is about 1 kg Lol. I was wondering if I should reduce my calories a little bit? or is it normal to crap 2 times a day ? Lol, it's getting kinda tiring. Been like this since I increased my calories 2 months ago.
(Xerobeat @ Jun. 09 2008,7:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I use superset to save time, the program that I used during those previous 5 months was a program based on supersets as well. I find that I can save time while having more energy to do the workout then to just wait around and rest. Somehow I lose energy to workout when I wait around long to rest. </div>
I have a feeling that will change when the weights get heavier. After a good set of deadlifts of squats I am doing well to just not pass out.

(Xerobeat @ Jun. 09 2008,7:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Btw, for my diet, I go to the toilet about 2 times a day average lately. And my crap weight is about 1 kg Lol. I was wondering if I should reduce my calories a little bit? or is it normal to crap 2 times a day ? Lol, it's getting kinda tiring. Been like this since I increased my calories 2 months ago. </div>
Sounds normal to me. I am a 2-3 guy myself. I think it is the Madcow 5x5 site that says if you arent going 2x a day you arent eating enough.
Dawaro is 100% correct.

After a heavy set of squats you're gonna need at LEAST 2 mins rest. Ditto the bench press. If you want to save time just simplify the workout.

Probably what you mean is that you don't do 3 sets of bench press across. Rather you do one set, then one set squat, then 1 set of bench and so forth until you do 3 sets of both?
Thanks Dawaro, that sounds great. Then I guess I'm eating right.

Wannagrow: yeah, thats what superset means. you alternate between 2 body parts. I do 1 set of squat, then I do bench press, and then squat and bench press til I reach 2 or 3 sets or both.

But I have no problem doing that. I have more energy to workout when I don't wait around to rest either.

For the heavier weights, yes I do find that I need at least 30 seconds of rest during the 5 rep weeks due to the heavier load.

Although, I was wondering if anyone could comment on the arrangements of my supersets, especially the Back + Shoulder.
duuuude you have like almost the same stats as me! i started training at 57kg, and i'm now about 71-ishkg!

yeah supersets are a great idea, it gets hard to do them in the 5RM pushing stage, but i just take more time between sets ;)

that's totally more than fine to superset upper/lower.

i personally wouldn't bother about calf raises if you want to work mainly on other areas, but that's me, it does depend of how well you grow.
one other thing, i would maybe alternate between db shoulder press and bb shoulder press rather than do lateral raises (i just think that db/bb shoulder presses will do the trick nicely, but that's me ;) )

and make sure you EAT eat eat bro! awesome work getting to where you are now!
(Xerobeat @ Jun. 09 2008,10:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For the heavier weights, yes I do find that I need at least 30 seconds of rest during the 5 rep weeks due to the heavier load.  
30 second rest? You are a machine!
After a heavy 5 rm deadlift I can't squeeze the water bottle for a minute and need a minimum of 5 minutes between sets.
Are you sure you are pushing yourself on the weights?
(quadancer @ Jun. 09 2008,4:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I never knew anyone who weighed their crap, that's dedication!</div>
I suppose &quot;dedication&quot; is one word for it...
(quadancer @ Jun. 09 2008,9:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I never knew anyone who weighed their crap, that's dedication!</div>
Well, I guess the easiest route is jumping on the scales before and after and doing a quick deduction.

Now, what would be dedicated would be drying the solids and then putting the resultant mass (mess) in a bomb calorimeter and checking how many calories were left unused (I guess they would be the non bio-available ones?)!
Simon: thanks for the comments and advise. Cool we have almost the same stats, whats your height and body fat % and body type?
. Post some pictures man
. 5 Rep Max are hard, but right now I'm in the normal 5 rep phase, so I only use about 50% - 80% of my max, but I do get maxed out at some of the exercises cuz I probably due to the limited weights in my home gym.

electric: I'm actually not doing the 5 rep 'max' yet, just the normal 5 rep which I use about 50% to 80% of my 5 rep max weights. To me form is more important than the weights and HST ppl say is about maintaining CNS fatigue?, but sometimes i do get maxed out, or almost maxed out, so i dont really know where I am right now, but i know I'm at 5 rep lol. But somehow, as an ectomorph, I find squats and deadlifts aren't that hard for me, probably thats why ppl call us ectomorphs good for endurance running and all that stuff. We probably have naturally stronger leg muscles. My legs are actually bigger than my upper body if I get naked. The first time I did Squats and deadlift, nobody told me it was hard, So I found it pretty nice to do, then a trainer told me that it was the hardest exercise ever, and I was like...&quot;Oh, its suppose to be hard?&quot; Lol. But my weakness especially for ectomorphs, I think is bodyweight exercises like chin ups, push ups... I can't do more than 5 reps without assistant, couldnt do more than 3 reps when I started out. I realized that mesomorphs(and also endomorphs I think) have more capabilities in bodyweights, which is probably why most of them are in the bodybuilding sport. Something to do with a naturally stronger back and upper body.

quadancer: It's because my previous program told me to weigh and measure myself every 3 weeks, and usually I would prefer to weigh myself in the morning right after I wake up, but without the crap weight included in, so sometimes I just weigh myself with the crap in, and then I hold myself from drinking or eating anything to wait for my toilet break, and then weigh myself again, and I see 1 kg difference
. lol. Somehow, I think the crap weight can change depends on what you eat, thats why I don't wanna get mixed up thinking I gained a lot but its actually just my crap haha.

Lol: haha, I wonder if there is a machine to check that out. Maybe if ppl want it cheap they can buy a &quot;Used&quot; one from ebay. it's gonna smell haha.

scientific muscle: thanks. definitely will do.
Re rest times: it's all relative. You have developed a certain amount of conditioning/tolerance to short rest times which is a good thing as it saves you time.

It's not that you are an 'ectomorph' (you're not - it's just a bogus categorisation system) that you don't find deads too taxing right now, it's because you haven't got a lot of muscle yet. However, once you have added another 20lbs or so of muscle, your strength will be up and you will find exercises like squats and deads become far more taxing (2 x body weight deadlifts or higher for a set of 5 reps is hard work). At that point you won't want to be compromising what you can lift by not recovering adequately between sets. So, as you progress I think you will naturally adjust your rest times. Deadlifts are hard because they allow a person to lift more weight than any of the other major compound movements.

Why no chins or pullups?

Have you tried upright rows rather than lateral raises? I think it would be good to focus this energy of yours on heavier lifts. Your traps won't get much of a workout from lateral raises. They are hugely strong and need to be taxed with heavy deads, shrugs, presses etc.

Have you tried cleans?
I think squats and deadlifts ought to be hard no matter who you are. You are using so many muscles in your body to both stabilise and move the weight. I guess if you find them easy you can, if you want to, increase the weight conservatively (5lbs) until it is difficult to maintain STRICT form. I really think that you are just using weights that are too light, there can't be any other explanation for this.

I think if you relatively new to strength training you shouldn't concern yourself with CNS fatigue management. This is for intermediate people since they use weights 1-2x their bodyweight.
(Xerobeat @ Jun. 10 2008,6:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">electric: I'm actually not doing the 5 rep 'max' yet, just the normal 5 rep which I use about 50% to 80% of my 5 rep max weights. To me form is more important than the weights and HST ppl say is about maintaining CNS fatigue?, but sometimes i do get maxed out, or almost maxed out, so i dont really know where I am right now, but i know I'm at 5 rep lol.</div>
Usually it is recommended that you start your HST mesocycle with no less then 70% your RM for that cycle, so using 50% of your 5RM during your 5s mesocycle is being too conservative. Remember that in the last day of the mesocycle you are supposed to use your max for that rep range. If it is possible to get an extra rep with that weight then it is not your RM and you should try increasing the weight for optimum results. Of course, all of this assumes good form.
Cool, we also have almost the exact same stats, in the same time frame. I weighed in at 57 kg in november, 183 cm, now at 73 kg and 15% bf.
(wannagrow @ Jun. 10 2008,5:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think squats and deadlifts ought to be hard no matter who you are. You are using so many muscles in your body to both stabilise and move the weight. I guess if you find them easy you can, if you want to, increase the weight conservatively (5lbs) until it is difficult to maintain STRICT form. I really think that you are just using weights that are too light, there can't be any other explanation for this.</div>
Amen brother. If someone doesnt find squats and deads taxing they are not using enough weight, that is all there is to it. As I have mentioned before the squat is believed to use over 200 muscles in the body, many of which are stabilizers you will never see. If you are properly loading that many muscles there is no way you aren't going to feel it.
Being that heavy is a relative term it may not take 2xBW, it is really more an issue of using the proper % of your RM. Anytime you approach 80-100% of your RM you are going to feel it. If you arent you are using a sub-par weight and limiting the effectiveness of the set.
(dawaro @ Jun. 10 2008,9:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Amen brother. If someone doesnt find squats and deads taxing they are not using enough weight, that is all there is to it.</div>
Yup, hallelujah. I had the same thought: if your deads and squats aren't beating you up, you need to add some weight to the bar.
(scientific muscle @ Jun. 09 2008,11:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My advice: Eat a lot. Lift big stuff. You look really thin.

p.s. You've made good progress. Just keep eating and getting stronger.</div>
I second what Sci has said. Eat a lot and lift frequently under a progressive load scheme such as HST. Don't worry about fat gain until after a month. At that point, you can adjust calories accordingly. You are due for a lot of newbie gains which we all wish we could sustain! Congrats and welcome to HST!