New Workout and Before & After Pictures


I am just going to say a few words not to overdo what others already stated!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Btw, for my diet, I go to the toilet about 2 times a day average lately.</div>

This is means you are metabolizing what you eating! Believe me...many people wish they went at least once a day!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> And my crap weight is about 1 kg Lol. I was wondering if I should reduce my calories a little bit? or is it normal to crap 2 times a day ? Lol, it's getting kinda tiring. Been like this since I increased my calories 2 months ago. </div>

Now that is seriouly overdoing things, to say the least, you not a lab rat for crying out loud! Weighing your crap is not going to get you anywhere although it is hilarious
I don't know who might have concinced you to do that or what you were trying to achieve by doing me, but going on...the experiment now over, you should concentrate on lifting heavy, simplify and win type routine with mainly compounds and Eat like it is your job.

Then...ultimatelly with enough patience, your body will start to show you rewards.

Sci's advice is the thing! Lol's too...keep it up mate!
Keep a log. Put your daily weight on it, regardless of the poop factor or water. Each week, total up and divide by 7. That's what you weigh.

Now go EAT something and put some WEIGHT on the bar! You can fine tune later; just get busy!
Now now, thanks for taking the time to give me all the advises and I'm getting a lot of advises here, some say this and some say that. I'm getting confused. I mean, it's really great that you guys wanna help me out. But before I can take any advise ( I hope this is not too much) please state your stats of when you just started out and your stats after a period of time (like mine was 5 months) of working out:

Before Stats
Body Type:
Body Fat%:
How long have you been in the bodybuilding scene:

Before Stats
Body Type:
Body Fat%:

Some pictures would do good too. thx!
Help a fellow newbie!
(Xerobeat @ Jun. 11 2008,11:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Now now, thanks for taking the time to give me all the advises and I'm getting a lot of advises here, some say this and some say that. I'm getting confused. I mean, it's really great that you guys wanna help me out. But before I can take any advise ( I hope this is not too much) please state your stats of when you just started out and your stats after a period of time (like mine was 5 months) of working out:</div>
I will give you exact stats at a later point when I am in front of my home computer, but I started lifting weights on and off as a freshman in college (5.5 years ago). I didn't get serious until I wanted to shed some weight in the middle of my sophomore year. I did this through rigorous weight training (Power Factor) and plenty of running. I dropped a good 35 pounds in 6 months. Upon switching to HST that summer (3 years ago), I put on a good 20 lbs of lean body mass in only a few months - most of this can be blamed to some muscle memory and the great newbie gains that I talked about in my last post.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">But before I can take any advise ( I hope this is not too much) please state your stats of when you just started out and your stats after a period of time (like mine was 5 months) of working out:</div>

Advice is freely given here, dude! Most of our stats are in the pics section and many of us would not repeat ourselves add nauseam, if I were you I'd get weight on the bar, start up a real good HST simplify and win routine, and would not do anything much else till I could:

Bench 1 1/2 times my body weight
Squat at least 1 1/2 x preferably 2x BW
Deadlift 2x or more
Chin with at least 1/2 BW attached for reps
Dip with same

By then I would have put some serious mass on and could then share advice with others.

We will of course help you to get there, that is what we are here for.

But serious...we not applying of jobs, so whilst we can give you stats many of us don't bother too much with menial circunstances. We just lift!

Started off HST - April 2002, body weight was about 65 Kg, could not bench more than body weight really.

Now, have benched 100 Kg repeatedly (weigh in at about 72 Kg), have squatted 100 Kg ATG and 140 Kg box squat, deadlifted 140 Kg for 3 reps, Chinned with 30 Kg for reps, Dipped with 25 for reps, have done 30 too for about 3 reps. Military pressed body weight on bench for reps.

That should account for some, but I doubt you will get many experts here gving you stats mate!