nice to see


Active Member
alot of new posters on here,dont know if its the new forum,or are people being sent here, i know there has been some interest in HST over at and i have sent a few of the guys over here:cool::D.
There are a lot of knowledgeable and helpful people on these forums, and I think this is a great forum. I often see people who want to learn about HST get referred here on other forums.
This forum has always been small (relatively speaking) because we're just about training, diet, supps and science. I know I have sacrificed a lot of traffic by not have a porn forum but I've never felt that it would do anything but bring the wrong type of people here. Unlike other forums where admins actually use the "ban" feature, I seldom if ever have since the beginning. I attribute that to the courteous and respectful way that people participate on this board. I wouldn't have it any other way regardless of how much "traffic" we may lose.
agree,very rare have i heard anyone flamed on here,and usually that was by a new member who didnt last long,certainly none of the experts or veterans.
i think most of the guys on here realise that they didnt always know everything(and still dont) so when someone asks a seemingly silly question,they dont flame them (like on many forums) its just a shame alot of the vets dont seem to post as much nowadays,TOT,fausto,O&G,quadman,jvroig,etc.
Agree with Faz that it's good to see new folks here but there has always been a steady trickle.

There's a wealth of good info in older posts (way back to 1995) when Dan, Jules (aka Vicious), Bryan etc. were all regularly helping new folks out. Some of their answers were very in depth so anyone looking back over those posts will be treated to lots of helpful info.

I'm pretty sure that, once the book is out, there will be a lot more questions from new folks (if Lyle's board is anything to go by).

I've often wondered where all the women lifters and the natty bb'ers (male and female) are? I suppose it's quite probable that there aren't many female posters here because they imagine that HST will be more likely to make them 'big and bulky' compared to other more GPP oriented routines, when nothing could be further from the truth. That doesn't explain why so few bb'ers post here. I think it's probably more a case of 'birds of a feather flocking together'; if more bb'ers posted regularly here (perhaps by logging w/os) more would come. Right now they are 'flocking' somewhere else.

One thing that would be useful here, and that might bring more traffic, would be some software tools to enable better tracking of workouts. Mike Tuchscherer (the founder of Reactive Training Systems) has created an area of his site where you can log workouts by inputting your lift data. There are then some analysis tools to help check on progress. The idea is sound, although there are several ways it could be improved upon for bb'ers (it's primarily for PL'ers).

I also wonder if there is still a level of confusion over the info being presented under the domain? As it stands, pointing your browser at loads the HSN page. If someone then clicks the forum link they come here, totally bypassing the HST info page. I'm sure Bryan is figuring out how best to rejig things now that the new forum seems to be working reasonably well (I don't think O&G was impressed though - haven't seen him post in a while :( ).

Anyway, that's my Sunday morning rant out of the way! Now I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day off. :)
lol, from viewing some natty forums like uk muscle,i think the reason most bbrs dont come here is they are brainwashed by magazines etc,reading alot of the posts on there,it seems like they actually believe they can look and train the same as the pro's,they seem to frown on fullbody workouts,and come out with the old,one bodypart a wk sh1t,and muscle confusion rubish.

and these are guys that compete,saying that if you watch some natty bbrs,they have legs like swimmers,because they diet and then hammer the cardio plus subscibe to the high reps theory.
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I also wonder if there is still a level of confusion over the info being presented under the domain? As it stands, pointing your browser at loads the HSN page. If someone then clicks the forum link they come here, totally bypassing the HST info page. I'm sure Bryan is figuring out how best to rejig things now that the new forum seems to be working reasonably well (I don't think O&G was impressed though - haven't seen him post in a while :( ).

You are right, unfortunately I don't do any web design. I can't fix the website because I don't know the first thing about how to do those kind of things. Money has been a bit tight since the employment situation I won't be able to get help for a while. That doesn't mean I don't have plans to however. I really want the website to be good. I just don't have the funds right now.
Im checking in...I am always around lurking / reading...I post more than normal at times and other times I don't. But I really enjoy the level of respect is here....and I am thank ful we have this forum.