Many of you may already do this, but I figured I'd share anyway. For the past two months or so, I've been adding ground flax seed to my night time shakes. 1/4 of brown or golden seed and ground well with a cheap coffee grinder. It is fantastic. I like it better than oil as it doesn't go rancid, doesn't need to be refrigerated, and has a good taste. I tried the preground flax meal and it was nasty, so stick to the flax seed and grind it yourself. Make sure you grind it though...the digestive system can't break through the seed shell. Anyway, only 1/4 cup is very cheap and provides 200 great calories. Tons of Omega 3 fats (about 13 grams with a 1/4 cup), small protein (8 grams), only 12 grams of carbs. At first, the Omega 3s brought me to grind my own flax. I'm finding that there may even be a better reason. That 1/4 cup of seed has about 50% of the daily requirements of fibre. If you are like me and try to eat as much meat as possible, the fibre really helps. Helps keep that digestive system ticking. Anyhow, just thought I'd share. Try it when you get a chance. A very inexpensive, tasty, yet healthy means of getting tons of Omega 3s. Oh, I forgot...the reason I take it at night as it further slows the digestion of my casein protein.