Nutrition Book


New Member

I am looking for a book that covers the vast universe of nutrition. I am a beginner, and am looking for something that will get me going on the subject, and take me a little further too.

Right now I am looking to lose weight, and have a good start, but would like to read a little bit more info.


do you want 'bbing nutrition' or normal human nutrition?

Essentials of Human Nutrition - (mann / trusswell eds.) is a basic undergrad nutrition textbook. Nothing too technical, but has simple chapter on sports nutrition

there is also a nice aussie based one

Clinical Sports Nutrition, which has chapters by a variety of people around the world, including Mark Tarnoplosky on protien. Has the addition points of dietitians with hints on making things work in the real world. Rather biased towards endurance exercise tho. Edited by Louise Burke, who is the head Dietitian at the AIS

I am looking for a book that will cover the basics, and take me into some intermediate stuff too. I also want it to be modern, or at least scientifically true.

I just want to start off with the basics and get some good knowledge from a book.


I am looking at the book "Essentials of Human Nutrition" right now. Am I safe to assume that this book will get me started and going in the right direction?


For nutrition basics, and health and disease its a good place to start. Basic, clearly explained (i have seen the 2nd ed, but not read all of it, I have the first ed) and covers a range from the basics of macronutrients, micronutrients right down to trace elements. Then also methods of nutritional assessment, public health, sports nutrition and nutrition and aging.