Nutrition Plan


New Member
Hey guys. I'm pretty new to the whole HST thing, and, well, just working out in general. I've designed I guess an Okay nutrition plan, and just wanted to see what you guys think. I am 16 years old, so my schedule is a little hectic. By the way, I am 5'5 and about 140 pounds, I am trying to cut fat and become more tone and gain muscle mass but let me know what you guys think and what I should change around:

5.00-6.00a: hit the gymmm

6.30a: oatmeal- 150 cal, 3g fat, 27g carbs, 5g protein
protein shake { 1/2 banana- 52.5 cal, 0g fat, 13.5g carbs, .5g protein
1 scoop whey protein powder- 110 cal, 2g fat, 3g carbs, 20g protein }

9.25a: 4oz chicken breast- 120 cal, 1.5g fat, 0g carbs, 26g protein
2 pieces whole wheat bread- 140 cal, 2g fat, 24g carbs, 6g protein

12.15p: Salad from school café
4oz chicken breast- 120 cal, 1.5g fat, 0g carbs, 26g protein

2.50p: protein shake { 1/2 banana- 52.5 cal, 0g fat, 13.5g carbs, .5g protein
1 scoop whey protein powder- 110 cal, 2g fat, 3g carbs, 20g protein }

6p: 1 banana- 105 cal, 0g fat, 27g carbs, 1g protein
2/3 cup mixed vegetables- 60 cal, 0g fat, 11g carbs, 2g protein
2oz chicken breast- 60 cal, .75g fat, 0g carbs, 13g protein
1oz cashews- 170 cal, 14g fat, 8g carbs, 5g protein

8p: protein shake { 1/2 banana- 52.5 cal, 0g fat, 13.5g carbs, .5g protein
1 scoop whey protein powder- 110 cal, 2g fat, 3g carbs, 20g protein }
2oz tuna- 70 cal, 1g fat, 0g carbs, 15g protein

10p: bedtime

Thanks in advance!

How tall are you and how much do you weigh? It's difficult to estimate whether this is enough food for you to grow without knowing that information.

Also, I'd recommend coming up with a clear goal. Either decide to gain mass right now or to "tone" i.e. lose fat. While it is possible to do both under some circumstances, you will see optimal results when you pursue one goal or the other and not both.
If you are bulking shoot for about 20 times your bodyweight in calories and 1 gram per pound of LBM on the protien side and if in some more and lift heavy!
(Joe.Muscle @ Apr. 21 2008,9:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you are bulking shoot for about 20 times your bodyweight in calories and 1 gram per pound of LBM on the protien side and if in some more and lift heavy!</div>
Yup, and if you're cutting, shoot for about 10 times your bodyweight in calories and 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. If in doubt, eat less, but you've still got to lift heavy.
yeah, I guess I'm more of trying to tone out and cut a little bit of fat and gain more muscle mass right now. I'm 16, about 5'5 and weight around 140 pounds.
No bro, you're not understanding yet.
You are EITHER cutting OR bulking, unless you're a complete newbie at training.
And even if you are a newbie, you'll still see your best results if you either bulk OR cut but not do both.
What is your short/mid term goal? Lose fat (and weight) or gain lean mass/muscle (and weight). Choose the one you want to aim for first.
If for example you want to first lose fat choose a measurable goal like 10%, 15%, or whatever is reasonable for you. When that is complete you can change your goal to something like gain muscle (get arm to x inches) or gain strength (get bench press to x lbs).
This way you can get optimum results from both the cutting (losing fat) and the bulking (gaining muscle).
(Workinboy @ Apr. 22 2008,10:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm 16, about 5'5 and weight around 140 pounds.</div>
Oh, you're 16...? Life is simple: eat a lot and lift heavy.

You're still growing. You don't need to worry about getting fat so long as you keep working out faithfully. Just eat and lift, and you will grow big and strong.
Yeah. Sorry I'm so hard-headed with this; im a newbie at working out in general. But I'm looking to get bigger, put on a lot of muscle mass and get stronger. So should I be bulking? Should I be eating 30x my weight in calories everyday? so pretty much double my current diet plan?
(Workinboy @ Apr. 24 2008,8:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah. Sorry I'm so hard-headed with this; im a newbie at working out in general. But I'm looking to get bigger, put on a lot of muscle mass and get stronger. So should I be bulking? Should I be eating 30x my weight in calories everyday? so pretty much double my current diet plan?</div>
30 times your bodyweight in calories would probably be a bit excessive. I'd stick to 18-20 and do that for a while. Focus on getting stronger in all the main lifts - don't worry about doing those standard bodybuilder routines that have a million different exercises. Right now you have a chance to build a solid base which will help you out when you get older.
So work on squatting, benching, rowing, pressing and deadlifting a lot of weight, keep trying to get stronger every cycle and when you aren't working out, eat like it's your job. In ten years, you'll be glad you did it.
(Totentanz @ Apr. 24 2008,8:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Workinboy @ Apr. 24 2008,8:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah.  Sorry I'm so hard-headed with this; im a newbie at working out in general.  But I'm looking to get bigger, put on a lot of muscle mass and get stronger.  So should I be bulking?  Should I be eating 30x my weight in calories everyday?  so pretty much double my current diet plan?</div>
30 times your bodyweight in calories would probably be a bit excessive.  I'd stick to 18-20 and do that for a while.  Focus on getting stronger in all the main lifts - don't worry about doing those standard bodybuilder routines that have a million different exercises.  Right now you have a chance to build a solid base which will help you out when you get older.
So work on squatting, benching, rowing, pressing and deadlifting a lot of weight, keep trying to get stronger every cycle and when you aren't working out, eat like it's your job.  In ten years, you'll be glad you did it.</div>

you are young and at 5'5&quot; 140 your not terribly small or skinny (although you may feel you are). im currently 6' tall but at 16 i was prob. 5'7&quot; 120-130lbs. you have some growing to do in the next few yrs either up or out....probably both.

in your teens you have tons of natural test. running thru your body so take advantage of it by eating for growth (like totz said, not crazy, but enough to be adding wgt to your frame) and working out smart. this includes sticking to the basics and using progressive load (both HST staples). dont get distract by get big quick w/o plans or exer. other gym folk and friends want to use. if it were quick and easy everyone would be big.

eating enough (and getting enough pro.) plus progressive load in the main exer. and you cannot help but put on wgt (espec. muscle) as time goes on. do not expect to be huge by the start of school next yr. (like everyone dreams of) it just typically doesnt work that way. you will be bigger and stronger but no program, no matter what they promise, will provide those results for joe avg. results will come with patience and smart/hard work.........they wont come from impatience or magic w/o plans or supplements etc.

btw, concerning the &quot;basic&quot; exer. so many new trainers pass on them b/c they are hard and the small wgts you have to start with are discouraging. dont fall into that trap. no one (who has lifted for some time)  wishes they could go back to their early days of lifting and work on curls or leg extensions one.

btw #2, you are young and most likely still in HS. dont forget to have fun and do all the stuff teenagers are supposed to do in HS, including sports. the gym will always be there and so will the food but as anyone over 25 will tell you once your teenage yrs and HS time is over....its over. its a one shot deal never to be had again, so make the most of it.

good luck