Omega 3/6 Fat Ratio


New Member
Apparently a high level of Omega-6 with a low level of Omega-3 is bad for you and has direct links to:

-High blood pressue
-Prostate Cancer
-Blood Clotting

Anyone know what the optimum ratio is? Are there specific ratios for different genders and weights?

Peanut butter has an extemely high amount of Omega-6. Is there any PB w/o such high O6 levels out there?

This came up in the How Much Omega 3? thread.  Various sources list anywhere from 1:1 to 6:1 Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio.  The concensus appears to be around 3-4:1, but you can see in the thread that other recommendations abound.  It appears that this is currently far from exact science.
2 tbsp of Peanut Butter has about 4,000 mg of Omega 6 which is way too much to make up for.

Simple problem, I love peanut butter - what do I do?