ON Cycle-How Close is this to a steroid?


New Member
I've been interested in Fizogen's line of products for a little while, and been doing some research-mostly in the form of a .99 book that I bought at GNC. The more I look at their products, the more they seem to bleed into that category of "close to steroidal or prohomonic". I was wondering if anyone else had any thoughts or experience with these products.
no experience, but the entire market is filled with bs products, ESPECIALLY with the ban of the ph's and pro-steroidal products.

the best supplement is food. get in enough good cals, lift properly, and rest...you will grow, but it takes time.

if you are still interested in "help" then dont bother with any of that garbage, you'll have to go the illegal route with aas, not some fake product for some greedy @$$ to make cash on.

if you are going to stay legal/natural here is what i recommend, in order

proper diet
proper rest
find a routine that works best for you
aakg (works for some, I like it)

dont buy into fake products using guys on steroids to advertise them!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]no experience, but the entire market is filled with bs products, ESPECIALLY with the ban of the ph's and pro-steroidal products.

Yeah, nothing is going to give you steroid or ph results like steroids.

I am not familiar with many of the ingredients in that fizogen, but it probably is not worth that huge price tag. For that much, you could buy a lot of creatine, whey and efas.
I checked out the ingredient list. There are no obvious prohormones or steroids there. The main ingredients seem to be Tribulus terrestris (puncture vine) and longjack. Both of those may boost testosterone somewhat and are found in a host of other less expensive products. The rest of the ingredient list consists of a bunch of things (truffle extract!!?!:confused:) that they give fancy names to but are otherwise chemically related to snake oil.

In your case it might cost you the price of a pair of boxing gloves
Fizogen's products are an extreme rip off. Tribulus and longjack may give a slight test boost, but they're essentially useless for gaining strength and size. There are a few products out there that do work.

Designer Supplements has a stack out right now called the NHA (Non Hormonal Anabolic) stack. It's getting good results for people. The main ingredients are ActivaTe and an AI, theirs being Rebound XT. ActivaTe is a nettle root extract that acts as an SHBG binder, freeing bound testosterone. The addition of the AI stops it from aromatizing into estrogen right off the bat. People are reporting good strength and size gains. Also good for PCT after a cycle to help get testosterone levels up quicker. There's also one or two prosteroids out there that still aren't touched by the ban.

ALRI also has Ultra H.O.T. out, which is very cool. One of the AIs in that product acts as a SARM, reducing androgen receptor sensitivity around the hypothalumus by 90% but only 10% in muscle tissue. That's the claim, and it seems to be supported by evidence that's fairly solid. Max LMG is also from ALRI. It's an antiprogestin I believe, and seems to be getting good results.

Another product out that I was skeptical about at first is Oratropin. This is one I'd recommend all but the most experienced 'supplement' users stay away from. It's an oral delivery system for IGF which actually seems to work. It's fairly expensive too, but seems to get results.

Bottom line is there are a few good companies doing their best to put products out that aren't fakes or just a new tribulus product, but genuine attempts to maximize your body's response to workouts. A lot of them are still aiming at the hormonal approach because that's the one we know works. I can't wait until someone comes out with something truly new and effective.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (xahrx @ May 25 2005,10:34)]SHBG binder, freeing bound testosterone.  

AIs in that product acts as a SARM,

Max LMG is also from ALRI.  It's an antiprogestin I believe, and seems to be getting good results.
Xarhx, I thought anti-SHBG doesn't actually free bound test it inhibits binding.

SARM, did you ever read those studies I linked to on SARMS?

ALRI, has released LMG again? or is this their newest, because LMG was pulled from production back in Feb.
Haven't been to the university since that last study I got. )c: Too busy with work, new system is being implimented and tested, and I have to write the dang training manual.

I think you're right on inhibitting binding. Test that would normally be bound is allowed to be free is how it works. It's dose dependent with no toxicity warnings that I know of too, so the more the merrier it seems.

Max LMG is the replacement for ErgoMax LMG. The new one is an antiprogestin which seems to be doing some people some good. Might also be a handy add-in for AAS cycles including trenbelone and nandrolone too.

The ALRI product with the claimed SARM in it is Ultra H.O.T. If you look on the anabolicminds boards there were some studies posted that confirmed to some extent the different androgen receptor activity in different tissues. They use an analog of ATD, the same active in Designer Supplements Rebound XT. If the claims are true, 80-90% reduction in the hypothalumus with only 10% in muscle, this would indeed be a wild product. Nothing will ever totally blind the body to hormonal changes I think, there are too many feedback loops to let it know something's out of whack. If true though this one could limit the supression of natural test production on cycle fairly well, allowing more effective cycles wth easier PCTs, and perhaps longer cycles too of substances like test cyp.

So far as I know though, the higher binding affinity of the ATD analog to the androgen receptors in the hypothalumus is only effective when it comes to testosterone. Blocking the activity, and the suppression it leads to, of other substances is still up in the air.