One final question

well done lol..1000 posts
Eek! I reckon that's about the equivalent in time of 2 weeks work! Funny how much time you can spend doing this sort of thing without realising it. I must resolve to get a life!

Time training this last year has amounted to around 145 hours. That's 145 hours more than the previous 20 years put together!
Hey, need....

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">2 X 10,  5 or 2 X 8, 7</div>

Either way it is a-OK, I have recommended many time 1.5 x 10, how you break it up is up to you, however doing the 20 reps is a good thing specially with the 10's (it is a phase good for hypertrophy, so a little extra volume goes a long way).

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Well, wouldnt it be better to swap off with like Max stim and HST? I didn't necessarily mean do away with the best compound exercises, merely the utilization. </div>

I use a mix of the two and it works well, but stick to the HST principles always.

Fooling around by switching programs all the time is the best way to FAIL.

So much the BB'ers (all brawn and no brains)
sounds like Joe Weider and the &quot;confuse the muscle theory&quot;

YOur best bet right now is to follow something rather close to the &quot;vanilla program&quot; and until you bench 1.5 x you body weight, squat 2x and deadlift at least twice, don't do much changing! After that you can start fooling around.

And I'm not saying I have met all the marks, the 2x BW for squats only on box squats, the others I'm still catching up!
I understand what your saying Fausto.

My issue, when people start using lbs as a guidline as to when they should switch up programs or begin ISO's, I get uneasy.

From my experience, the ability to move X amount of weight, in no way, means someone has reached a certain point of muscular development. Hell, when I could meet two of your suggested marks, I didn't look like a BB, looked like joe average, thin and tall.
Yeah, I can agree with yah, but those goals are achievable and once met you should have developed some solid mass.

Besides changing programs all the time gets you nowhere, granted some small changes are ok or additions here and there but otherwise do not change your core movements.

HST is the only program I know that gives you an indication of how much poundage you will be lifting by week much for poundages
And the best thing is, if you've planned it properly and checked your RM's then you will meet those targets!