One year of results.

It has been 11 months since I got back into weight-training with a seriousness I never had in the past. While I haven't done max-stim by the book the whole time, 70% of my training has been max-stim and the other 30% has been other fatigue management HST or SST type training. The reason I am posting this at 11 months, instead of 12 is that shortly I will be trying AAS for a cycle while up to this point I have been completely natural.

I have added roughly twenty pounds to my frame in 11 months.
My waist has increased 1/2"
My chest has increased 2.5"
My upper arms have increased 1.5"
My thighs have increased 2"

I didn't even know how to properly squat and do deadlifts when I started.
My current 1 rep max. for deadlift is 365 lb.s and deep squatting (below parallel) 255 lb.s.

I look forward to another year of great gains on HST/SST and Max-stimulation training. 8)
May I play devil's advocate?

With gains like that in so short a period of time, might I ask why you're bothering with supplemental vitamins? I may sound like a hypocrite, since I did a cycle of prohormones in the past, but I can tell you that if I had to do it all over again, I would never have done it.

Sci wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I didn't even know how to properly squat and do deadlifts when I started.
My current 1 rep max. for deadlift is 365 lb.s and deep squatting (below parallel) 255 lb.s.</div>

Going from not knowing how to squat/deadlift 11 months ago to those numbers is extremely impressive. Personally, I still think you're miles away from what you can achieve naturally.

My comments are in no way meant to be derogatory, bro. Believe me, I completely understand the inner drive that would cause you to want to do them. I just think you might owe it to yourself to see how far you can get naturally, first. 20 pounds naturally in one year is amazing stuff.
(Slapshotz @ Apr. 16 2007,02:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I just think you might owe it to yourself to see how far you can get naturally, first. 20 pounds naturally in one year is amazing stuff.</div>
Thank you, and yes, I agree that I am not done growing naturally. Progress has slowed down significantly though and I have already made up my mind. I have been hovering near 200 lb.s for months but couldn't break it without getting too fat. Only recently did I break it with my new HST cycle and I am using AAS as a boost to break into new mass territory.

Am I being an impatient, 'fastfood-mentality' American? Yes, yes I am, but obviously I put a hard-earned year of serious natural training in first and proven to myself that I know what I am doing in my training before going 'on'.
20 lb.s gained naturally simply motivates me that I will do much better than your average joe when I am 'on'. Most guys can't make great gains naturally (lack of knowledge/discipline in diet and training), those same guys are the ones who lose all their gains once they go 'off'.
Anyway, I hope you see my logic here.
(scientific muscle @ Apr. 15 2007,13:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thank you, and yes, I agree that I am not done growing naturally.  Progress has slowed down significantly though and I have already made up my mind.  I have been hovering near 200 lb.s for months but couldn't break it without getting too fat.  Only recently did I break it with my new HST cycle and I am using AAS as a boost to break into new mass territory.

Am I being an impatient, 'fastfood-mentality' American?   Yes, yes I am, but obviously I put a hard-earned year of serious natural training in first and proven to myself that I know what I am doing in my training before going 'on'.
20 lb.s gained naturally simply motivates me that I will do much better than your average joe when I am 'on'.  Most guys can't make great gains naturally (lack of knowledge/discipline in diet and training), those same guys are the ones who lose all their gains once they go 'off'.
Anyway, I hope you see my logic here.</div>
Well put. Certainly, I can see the logic, and wish you the best during the cycle. I'm sure your gains will be stellar.
I don't see anything wrong with what he is planning. In all honesty, if AAS were legal here in the USA, I'd be running at least a cycle a year. As long as you take care of yourself and don't do anything stupid, you shouldn't have any problems from AAS. And seriously, if you don't take care of your health, etc, you shouldn't be considering AAS anyway.

The whole &quot;reach ur genetic potential first, bro&quot; rule is intended to discourage the kids who want to do AAS because their first four weeks of weightlifting didn't make them Arnold over night. I think our boy Carl here knows what he is doing, and with a properly planned out AAS cycle, could make some very impressive gains.
Personally, I'm going to be watching closely to see how this goes. It's something that I've badly wanted to embark on myself for a while now.
(scientific muscle @ Apr. 15 2007,12:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It has been 11 months since I got back into weight-training with a seriousness I never had in the past.  While I haven't done max-stim by the book the whole time, 70% of my training has been max-stim and the other 30% has been other fatigue management HST or SST type training.  The reason I am posting this at 11 months, instead of 12 is that shortly I will be trying AAS for a cycle while up to this point I have been completely natural.

I have added roughly twenty pounds to my frame in 11 months.
My waist has increased 1/2&quot;
My chest has increased 2.5&quot;
My upper arms have increased 1.5&quot;
My thighs have increased 2&quot;

I didn't even know how to properly squat and do deadlifts when I started.
My current 1 rep max. for deadlift is 365 lb.s and deep squatting (below parallel) 255 lb.s.

I look forward to another year of great gains on HST/SST and Max-stimulation training. 8)</div>
good luck with the cycle,i hope you have read up alot.what ever you do dont do a cycle that your source suggests,either find a more experienced guy on here or find a decent board and get some real advice.
I totally agree with Tot.
And good work Sci, you earned a cookie or two. I agree w/ your logic since you've studied up on the methodology and have proven you know how to keep it all. (or most) One thing that could be a small problem is staying motivated after the cycle, when strength goes down and you feel like a turd.
You're young; you may not have a problem at all.
I agree with Tot. me a favor...and I know you will please keep in close touch when you start AAS.

Better yet if possible document your before and after with pictures.

With your tons of food and heavy are going to get monsterous!

I say this is all seriousness b/c tons of my friends do steroids but they dont have a damn clue how to lift or eat and them basterds still grow like weeds 20+ pounds a I can only imagine how sci results will be.

Sci...when are you starting your cycle?
Sci...what will you being taking?

The norma around our gym is D-bol stacked with straight Test....and maybe a little cut up?
Well, I should have expected this, but the point of this post was I made great gains this past year. But of course, the focus of this thread is completely on AAS now. Well, I will play along and talk about it since everyone is so interested.
I plan on gaining 20 more pounds of muscle. MUSCLE, I don't think I will gain much fat running 500 mg. of T a week and training using a cutting edge HST cycle. At the end of 10 weeks, I will do some PCT and continue to lift HEAVY, even if I have to cut the volume, keeping gains is largely about maintaining strength after the cycle and eating enough. After 10 weeks or so of maintaining the heavy loads. I will retest my 1 rms and take a nice, long SD. End result: I will be jacked up, bigger and stronger. I will be a 'cheater' if I enter any powerlifting comps, but we are all kidding ourelves to think that my competition won't be 'cheating' also. Strength athletics is not exactly the 'cleanest' sport, even the drug-tested federations.

I know many people will look down on me, a cheater, an outlaw, whatever. I don't give a f*ck what people think. I am a strength athlete, this is my body and I will do what I want with it.
Peace out.
(Joe.Muscle @ Apr. 15 2007,16:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Better yet if possible document your before and after with pictures.

With your tons of food and heavy are going to get monsterous!

I say this is all seriousness b/c tons of my friends do steroids but they dont have a damn clue how to lift or eat and them basterds still grow like weeds 20+ pounds a I can only imagine how sci results will be.

Sci...when are you starting your cycle?
I have already taken 'before' pictures and will post them with the 'after'.

Straight test. +nada.

Start next week.
I wish you all the best with cycle, what you are running many consider not cheating at all
. You seem like an intelligent guy who knows what he is doing training and diet wise. After all so long as you do the research, run safe minimal doses whilst running nolvadex to counter any gyno problems you will be fine. I have a done a few cycles in the past, mainly test and deca based and can honestly say that so long as you believe more is not better then you will have no problems.

What test are planning on running? I personally prefer sustanon, very little water retention and a good solid builder. Hurts like a f****r if you use it on its own though. I am about to start a ten week cycle myself of sust and equipoise, first time a will be &quot;on&quot; whilst training HST, so I too will be keen to see your progress/results. Good luck and train hard.

Ps. After about day 3 &quot;on&quot;, you will be wanting to hump everything in sight...
My only advice and this is coming from a guy who has never done a cycle so just take it with a grain of salt.

But I am not sure If I were you that I would test my 1 rep max.

From what I understand you get incredible strong with AAS and your muscle strength tends to outgrow your tendon strength.

Long story short you can blow out a muscle...I am sure you already know this though!

Cant wait to see your weekly Blog on this.

AND back to the thread GREAT RESULTS the past one year!
I wouldn't do it. It's possible to get pretty damn big and strong naturally, just look at stevejones. What's necessary is proper training, diet and knowing what your body responds to.
(liegelord @ Apr. 15 2007,19:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I wouldn't do it.  It's possible to get pretty damn big and strong naturally, just look at stevejones.  What's necessary is proper training, diet and knowing what your body responds to.</div>
steves either got extremely good genetics or hes on the sauce,it is not my intention to call anyone out here,just to perhaps draw attention to the fact that most people who train naturally dont have the genetics to reach that level and considering sci's frame,even he would struggle.its each to there own in this game and what goals you wish to attain.