Opinions on new frequency theory

(Fausto @ Nov. 20 2007,02:00)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have thought about that because your muscles are in protein synthesis mode, but aren't they doing this 48 hours after you lift? </div>

Colby it has something to do with less absorption over time, I believe that as in a bacterial growth graph (exponential, then lag, then death phase, meaning the graph does start going down after all the substrate is used up and the population is too much for that substrate).

Likewise the protein synthesis is probably exponential straight after training and goes on for 48 hours but is has to start leaning out thus the absorption would be less and less over time.

Anyway, I am not the expert here and am treading on &quot;dangerous&quot; ground by theorizing!
Fausto, maybe we are thinking about it too much, but I have definitely been intrigued by a diet that alternates between more calories around training days and less on off days.
Colby, if you consider that protein synthesis peaks at 24 hours after training, then it makes more sense to put all your calories in that window after training, rather than cutting calories on the offdays (which would usually fall within this 24 hours window...) I think this actually ends up leading to an IF type of diet. Sort of. Say, fasting on the day of training until you train, then start pounding down the calories for the next 24-36 hours, before starting to fast again (or at least cut back calories) until your next training bout.

Something like that. I haven't really read a lot about this idea yet, this is just what I've gathered from skimming various posts, etc.
I'll have to look up the IF diet, but I think this could work for a cut in the same way...

Cut up until training, then pack in calories quickly around the WO, slow bulk up to 24 hours from end of last WO, and then cut again.

My current training is a HST-Strength balance routine with size emphasized on the HST portion (of course). Since I don't want size on my legs (trained twice/week in the strength routine), I could treat those days as the off days and cut more.
It would seem though, that there is no carb load prior to the workout from eating, so you'd have to start with simple carbs just before it, or suffer in the lifts.
I've thought of Steve jones usage of just sugar before a workout, but that stuff scares me! Still, if you're in a &quot;dieted&quot; condition, the quick carbs wouldn't hurt a thing, and you'd have a good workout.
I'm also not really sure if there's any difference between using table sugar, candy, and such compared to using maltodextrin and dextrose, as many of us do...so I may allready be 'using' sugar. I assume though, that the malto and dex is used instead for a reason.
Well yeah. I guess I didn't specify that too well. The fast would break preworkout, with you taking in some protein and probably carbs preworkout, then train, then eat a ton for the next 24-36 hours or so.

I'd do it during a bulk if I didn't already have plenty of trouble just getting in enough calories to grow in the first place.