Pasta vs. Wholewheat Pasta

Tom Treutlein

New Member
People always say the WW pasta is better. If you look at the ingredients though, it's 100% enriched semolina with both. The WW just has wheat germ added for extra fiber and such.

So, is there really a big deal? It's twice the cost for the WW pasta, and it's just so much easier to use the regular stuff. Is there a big difference? Insulin Index or response? Will the regular pasta (12 oz. a day) be detrimental to health?

I plan to eat 12 oz. of pasta a day, so I'd rather I use regular than WW, because it's a lot more expensive.
12oz of pasta/day??? Yikes- that is a LOT of pasta! But in answer to your question- yes, there is a difference (although where I buy pasta, price isn't one of them). First, there's taste- for my money, WW pasta tastes better, but that's me- my family doesn't agree with me at all on this. Second, the added fiber is a plus for a number of reasons (cardiovascular and colonic health to name two). If you're planning to eat 12oz of the stuff/day (is that dry or cooked?), I'd sugest at least alternating them.
Whew- OK! You had me going there!!!
When using the glucose base for GI, both WW and White have a GI of 45 to 50, so actually there is very little difference.

If cooked el dente, (just firm) this helps reduce the GI level of pasta as does eating a slower digested food with it, IE beans, lentels, high fiber veggies, and of course protein sources.