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Well I got the nerve to put up a new pic. Not sure how the gains have come? My main focus this past year was to increase my chest and most importantly bring up my abs. Well as you can see the abs are a long way from being there. Not really sure if its genetics or what, I cut down to 9% last summer and still not that defined.

Anyway take a look and give me some honest feedback.

The middle pic is me last summer right before my cutting cycle I was about 190 to 192 pounds. Then the first pic is me about about 182 or so I actually got down to 175 but didn't take pics. I looked more defined when I did however still no abs. So for past 8 months I have hit the abs hard 4 to 5 sets 3 or 4 times a week heavy with weighted crunches.

The last pic is me currently takeng yesterday. I am weighing about 187 or 188 now. According to bodyfat callipers I am around 12.5%.

Any advice guys?

Your makin good improvements, look much more muscular. Keep the cut goin and youll look even better.
Looking good so far!

Abs will come, just keep trying, not everyone has a good set, but it is looking good I think!

Toning for chest/rest of body - should carry on. How many cycles so far!
Thanks guys.

Fausto I started HST in August of 2004. I have trained this way ever since. I love it!

I have expieremented with more volume, more frequency...but thats about it.

I am hooked for life!

This past year I did not eat as many calories as I needed to. Only b/c Last year I cutt for a long time and finally got simi lean...I didnt want to bulk back up to 15 or 16% bodyfat and have to take it back off. Actually I did not ever get higher thatn 13% bf this year...(that might be a problem?)

So come Around August or end of Summer I am going to throw caution and fat to the wind and do a serious bulk cycle.
I weighed roughly about he same.

However I was no were as defined...I was severly overtrained when I first started HST.

Its weird....for example my arms were big when but not defined at all...you know the easter egg look in your bicep...well since I started HST I have got that a lot better.

So even though my weight was 188 or so before and its around the same now...body fat has come down and I definatly have redistributes some weight.

I think after summer I am going to do a true bulking cycle...you know get plenty of excess calories! I tried to stay lean year round this past year and well it helped to not have to cut as much however I think it also hurts your gains?
Hi Joe,

Looking good man.

I'm very interested to know how the poundages used in some of your key lifts (say, squats, deads and bench) have progressed over the time you have been doing HST? Also, how have your measurements changed?

I find that when looking at photos it's very difficult to judge progress. There are so many factors that can change the appearance of a photo (not including Photoshop!). Lighting is the big one.

In my case, I look quite defined in my bathroom mirror before bed under that lighting, but I look like a flabby white blob in daylight!
   Having fair skin sucks as I don't tan much. Shadows and highlights show up better on darker or tanned skin which makes a big difference to perceived leaness and definition. So, in order to be able to make a decent comparison between photos you would have to keep the lighting conditions etc. consistent between shots. Not always easy to do though.
Lol...great point about the the lighting...it plays a big difference.

I am just like you...some days I can pull the shirt up and it looks like I am flabby, then other times under different lights I see my abs better?

I guess perfection is when you can see them everyday under all conditions...I am just not sure I am dedicated to eating that clean and doing that much cardio.

I would say being an honest critic of myself from my pics...that I am the type of bodytype that can hold extra weight good in the form of muscle...however trying to have a ripped midsection is achievable...but for me it has to be at a very low bf%

I know guys who have great abs at 13% bf...then take myself I got down to 8.5% last summer and still just had a 4 pack?

Now take me last summer for example...I went from say 188 with flat stomach to around 176 with 4 pack...my question to myself is am I better to walk around more muscular with bigger arms & chest at 188 or do I sacrifice size for a smaller waist...and in my case still no abs?

Long story short I think I have a tough build and frame to have a good midsection...but none the less I will keep it up!

Also measurements have sort of gone up and down...more a distribution of weight I would say.

And yes strength has gone up on all lifts!
Yeah, you're looking real cut since the last picture of you.. don't you have that wedding coming up or something?
Nah no wedding...at least that I know of..hehe.

However I am just trying to stay fit at 27 yrs old.

If I can just figure out the abs..hehe.
I think that bulk you are planning will help a lot. Once you start getting a real excess of calories, you'll probably pack on a lot of mass. Then I bet once you cut down again, your abs and pecs will really pop.
You planning to run HST during the bulk? If I were you, I'd run at least two HST cycles during your bulk, keep calories at 500 over maintenance, maybe go up to 1000 over on workout days. You could make the extra calories on workout days up using protein. I bet you'd blow up then.
looking good there mate ..i would say your lower pecs are better developed than your upper and your traps could be a bit bigger but its difficult to tell just from a front relaxed pose
Tot, yeah I plan on basically throwing caution to the wind when it comes time to bulking after summer.

I am figuring like you said prob 1,000 calories over maintenance and just keep at it until I get to about 16% bf..then start back cutting.

I will be using HST the entire time, however my cycle will be geared more toward 10, and 5's.
(Joe.Muscle @ Apr. 09 2006,21:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">161 views and only a couple of comments???

Come on guys this took guts...lol

Wasn't going to post this for 2 reasons:

1. I've not posted much on this site in the past although I am mid cycle at the moment.
2. I wouldn't have the balls to post my pics on line like this adn ask for critique and therefore feel reluctant o comment on someone else.

However, since you asked for it, these are my honest opinions (please do not take these the wrong way, I respect what you've done and these are only my meant to be helpful;

1. You look better at higher bodyweight
2. Your photos indicate that you have a naturally wide waist/hip structure: no amount of dieting will alter that structure. However take a leaf out of Girondas book and create the illusion. Add more size (bulk up if necessary) to the shoulders (lateral head specialisation), Upper &amp; outer pecs and lat width. Watch the traps don't get too big as these will detract from the shoulder width (illusion).
3. What height are you. Even at your higher weight you look as though you could carry a lot more on your frame.
4. Where are your legs.

Hats off to you
Thanks Gazz, no offense taken.

I value everyones opinon as long as it is honest and not ment to harm..hehe.

I think you are exactly right about genetics, I think getting the abs is just going to be very tough for my genetics however carrying extra mass on my frame is easier...the more I think about it the more I think I should just be that bulky guy..hehe....but seeing ripped pics of others just gets the best of me....

You know I have the physique of when I carry my mass, I look very big and muscular and look really athletic with a t-shirt on...but I am that guys you see with a t-shirt on and you say he is huge, then I take it off and yeah by shouldeers and chest are big...but so im y belly, so over past year and half I have tried to keep it on the lean side...( my wife loves it that way), and personally I think I look better at lower bodyweight, however I think it does severly hinder your gains!

In a way I feel more confused after posting the pic than before?

One thing I forgot to add was that you're trying to show a six pack, but your ab muscles are not particularly &quot;built&quot;. I would work them hard during your bulking phases, adding mass to the actual musculature, before trying to define.

I too have a problem with an expanding waistline, but I'm a lot older than you (my excuse). I have in the past striven to get the six pack look and failed. Boyer Coe did the same for years and failed,despite being a professional bodybuilder, but I still wouldn't mind his build. I believe a lot is in genetics. I know guys who have six packs without training or dieting. Its there, it sickens you, but its the way it is.

As I said, go for the illusion and work with what nature has given you.

Good luck.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think you are exactly right about genetics, I think getting the abs is just going to be very tough for my genetics however carrying extra mass on my frame is easier...the more I think about it the more I think I should just be that bulky guy..hehe....but seeing ripped pics of others just gets the best of me....</div>

Dude, I know how you feel. I am halfway through a long cut, and I am behind schedule.
Getting under 12% has been very tough lately, but I don't wanna cut out too many calories and lose muscle. However, people have told me I have been getting more defined and that I put on muscle, so no complaints there!
I had sent several days ago my comment but for some reason I don't see it in the thread... so... let me try to summarize.

The pics look good, I think a good work and in relation to your concern about the body fat.... I really believe that when you were at 9-10% (your first pic) you may not have been at that body percentage...... I would have thought at 12-13%.... the reason I believe so (and perhaps is the light, I don't know) is that the vascularity on your arms is low... at 9% the veins in your arms should be noticeable a lot... so, actually you may still have acceptable genetics and perhaps need to go further down.... try different calipers or other method of measuring body fat... just as a cross-check