pick me ups....


New Member

Can anybody recommend a good quality "pick me up", that will provide a sustained energy release throughout the day... I'm finding it hard to get more much sleep at the moment..

maybe a good multivit would help no?

Any of you take anything to deal with fatigue?

Ginko Biloba and Ginseng. B vitamins seem to help for some.

Caffein if you're desperate, although I always find caffeine from a liquid source (ie: coffee, Rockstart energy drink [they have diet], Jolt Cola) to be more effective than the pills, which just make me jittery.
The cheapest/best pick me up I've found that works is a good night's rest... Are you not able to sleep becuase of lifestyle reasons or because you can't seem to fall asleep??

You'd think I'd take my own medicine here, but I too occationally get short changed on the sleep due to lifestyle (and occationaly, because my mind is to busy to rest)... I usually just drink lots of coffee, although I'm trying to modify my behavior to be more sleep friendly =)