Please Critique my HST Program

You've probably started your workout already. BUt I dont think you need to do 2 sets during the 15' rep weeks. One set should be fine.
<span style='color:GREEN'>^^ no i havent..... this is my NEXT cycle which i will be doing after 4 weeks.....but thanks for the heads up...i think i'm gonna stick to 2x15....or maybe i'll change based on how much experience and knowledge i gain from THIS cycle of HST....</span>
Cool. Just pointed that out because from what I was told by the good people here is that the 15 rep week does get you big nor does it cut you up. It just conditions your muscle, hence there really is no need for the 2nd set. Just wanted to point that out to you.

Good luck.
And, just as importantly, it conditions your joints and soft connective tissue. You're set is sufficient.However, I find my smaller muscles actually respond to isolations better with the 15's than the 5's. And, almost contrary to that statement, my quads respond best with reps as high as 25. Go figure. Must have something to do with fast/slow twitch make-up.

sorry to re-opn this thread, but i've changed my mind...

i'm almost done with my corent HST cycle and i will be doing my seconds hst cycle in 2 weeks time...

however, i'd like to change my program a bit....please give me your input...


there will be done THROUGHOUT the hst cycle..

leg curls
incline bench
lat pull downs


these exercises are only meant for the 10 rep weeks...they will not be continued

DB Side Lateral Raises
DB Front Lateral Raises


these are exercises i'd lke to do during the 5s..

Barbell Curls
Push Downs


weeks 1-2: 2 x 15
week 3: 2 x 10
week 4: 1 x 10
week 5: 3 x 5
week 6: 2 x 5
week 7: 1 x 5

i have a should injury on both my shoulders and i've been old to avoid OH presses....

btw, i am a member on and here's my journal: Body Transformation using HST

please help...

thanks in advance..

-Big Boy
Big boy

Just a far as i am concerned front raises are a waste of time, if you just do your bench at a incline you get the front delts worked much better....I prefer to also use side raises though in conjunction with mil presses...even though this cycle I had to be off due to injuries.
ok front raises are off...then i'd like to add decline tricep what does everybody feel..?

Big Boy
Those are cool, but I have read somewhere (this it was Vicious who specified it and someone else)
that the best stretch is caused by incline tricepo extension B/b or D/B.

Just a pointer.
Colby - to me triecp extensions are the same as skullcrushers, so this is what I am referreing to!

A slight variation is the french curl which on a incline bench (60 degrees or so) would be causing more strectch than a skullcrusher as your arms will be descending behind your head.
If you insist on doing leg curls, I think you should do leg extensions as well. I am a big advocate for always doing the opposite muscle action for balance. You'll find you can altarnate them with almost no rest between sets so it shouldn't take any extra time unless your gym is busy when you work out . . .it's kinda uncool for one guy to claim two mahines at the same time! Me and my training partner wait for both to be free, claim one each and then just swap over.
I would scrap the leg curls and do SLDLs. You will get additional benefits from doing the compound movement plus you'll be shifting more weight which will allow for a good progression. However, if it proves to be too much during 5s (ie. it all takes too long to complete) you could then alternate inclines with dips and lat pull downs with rows.

As the others have mentioned seeing that you are already doing dips I would go with a stretch point movement for tris. So skulls or overhead tri-extensions or similar will do the trick. As Fausto pointed out, you are after a way to get a really good stretch going.

i'm sorry i keep opening this thread up all the time, but i just thought someone might like to know this:

i've finished my first cycle of HST and i will be doing 5x5 and then HST again...

however, these are my gains off HST and i am VERY happy with them...

here's the link: Click Here

thanks everybody for helping me out....

i now know which are my top 3 weightlifting programs which will be cycling:
1.) HST
2.) SF 5x5
3.) Fortified Iron's Hypertrophy Program


-Big Boy aka Andalite
That's some good progress Andalite. As well as HST being a great program, you obviously know how to eat.

Well done mate. Hope the 5x5s go well.
thanks guys.....i LOVED hst... i think i'm gonna do 5x5 for 8 weeks, then do TWO cycles of HST before starting 5x5 again..

btw: my diet is ****....but i have this ability to lose fat very fast....and apparently gain muscle a little slower too

thanks again ppl

big boy aka Andalite