Hello T:I:R
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]i am also doing some grease the groove training with my COC-gripper. can that interfere
Well, everything does, actually! But I think what you meant was, "Will this significantly lower the quality of my SD and thus affect the effectiveness of my next workout cycle?", right?
Well, in that case, you could actually answer yourself. Here's some simple guidelines you can use:
1.) Will that activity require so much extended effort for a majority of days during your SD?
2.) More importantly, does that activity cause so much stress? Do you feel it "burns you out", meaning after the activity or even a day or a few days after continually doing that activity, you feel like you don't want to do anything but lie down and rest (CNS fatigue)?
If your answer is yes to both, then yes, IMHO you would be significantly reducing the effectiveness of SD. No need to panic, depending on the activity itself, you might be able to get away with it by extending your SD.
But I don't think the activity you mentioned is too taxing that it'll lead to CNS fatigue. In that case, go ahead, please go on with that and be confident that you aren't screwing up your SD.
Hope this helps. Good luck!