Post your routine


Active Member
I dont post this to be a dumb post b/c most of us here no how the others routine looks. However with the large debate of not using isolation movements now a days I wanted to see if most people are doing the compound only routine. If so I am sure it looks very brief.

If you are using compound only routine are you keeping the same volume, lowering it or upping it?
volume versus the compound and iso days is the same overall, but I can do 6 sets of dips and deadlifts each now instead of only a few
Inc. Bench
Pull Ups
Bent Over Rows
Standing Military Press
Full Squats/Dead Lifts -- Alternating

1x 15 (2 x 15 for some exercises)

T, Th, S
DB Arm Curls
Rear Delt Raises
Skull Crushers
Russian Twists
(HIIT Cardio)

3 or 4 x5 not sure.

I'm in week two of the 10s, and I love this set-up so far.
Here's what I'm doing at the moment. A bit of a focus on the arms this cycle.

Slight-incline DB press
Lying tricep extensions
Underhand narrow grip chins
Squat or Romanian deadlift
BB Rows
DB military press
Hammer curls
Weighted crunches
I'm giving the UD2.0 a whirl, even though I'm fat. Althought work messes with my carb load this week, so its sort of a 2 week PSMF interlude.
Colby I see you are really pushing the volume up...thats what I was wondering if any of the just compound guys were adding sets anywhere sense they are not doing isos.

If you were doing hst vanilla and just doing compounds that would put you doing only about 12 sets at best per workout...seems kind of low...that why I posted to thread to see if any of the guys were getting close to 20 sets per workout with just the compounds.
I'm currently alternating between the following A and B routines on M/W/F. This is the first cycle I have done this and so far it is going well (new PB in squat at the end of 10s).

Workout A
1. Squats
2. Stiff-legged Deadlifts
3. Bench Press
4. Seated Rowing m/c
5. Standing Shoulder Press
6. Standing Barbell Curls
7. Donkey Calf Raises

Workout B
1. Deadlifts
2. Dips (weighted)
3. Parallel Grip Pulldowns / Chins on negs
4. Shrugs
5. Standing Shoulder Press
6. Dumbell Triceps Extensions (or ez-curl bar)
7. Seated Calf Raises

Sets/Reps: 2x15, 3x10, 3-4x5 plus a 'heavyish' set of 10.
I may drop the SLDLs and the shrugs during 5s. I'm going to see how it goes.
For some reason I am struggling to post the entire file but here it is below, the iso's are strictly just the three used as supersets after the compounds. It is a A/B workout, in fact the flyes I don't even use them all the time.

Squats B
Lunges B
15° decline B/B benchpress (thoughtout)
Flyes (thoughout)
Cable tricep extensions (Thoughout)
Chins (underhand close grip) (A)
Seated Cable Rows (B)
Incline curls (Throughout)
Seated Military Press (5's on…) - Not using due to injury
Abs (personal choice)

5 Minute Warm-up on treadmill
Squats or Deadlifts (Alternating)
Bench Press
Bent-Over Barbell Rows
Clean & Military Press
Barbell Curls
Lying Triceps Barbell Extensions
Crunches (on Swiss Ball, 50 reps)

One or two sets per exercise.  If I do a second set, I usually aim for 2/3 of the reps of the first set.

On Tuesday and Thursday I do some light cardio (1km swim.)

It's a very basic routine, but I find it works exceptionally well.

I am full time once a week 5 x 5, switching between Linear and periodized.
In this order, 45 monutes out the door.
Incline Bench
Bent Row
Standing Press

During the race season, I canonly physically afford 1x a week otherwise I am clocking about 300-500 kilometers on the bike per week.

Sunday is a doozy: 120 Km 3500 Climbing meters in the Italian Dolomites!
The picture is a big squashed,b ut yes those be my walking sticks.
This is what I am doing right now. I am on my second consecutive cutting cycle and my third HST overall. I cut nearly all isolations for my cutting cycle and added in cardio.

3-5min warmup (elliptical machine)
Incl Bench A
Bench B
BB Row B
CG Row A
Mil Press


The HIIT I do is a slow progression to Tabata. I alternate with a stationary bike, a rowing machine, and thrusts. The thrusts are by far the hardest, but I seem to get muscle tired before being winded. With the stationary bike its the opposite, which seems better. The rowing machine seems to make me a lot less tired than the other two so I am close to tabata times on it already.

Combined with a fairly good diet I've lost about 20lbs already. Another 7-10lbs and I should be at about 10% BF.
I've been cutting for the last few months and have been using a mixed routine, sort of a cross between HST, 5x5, and 3x5 and doing it MWF. I do a few light warm-up and hit 3 sets of 5 at the same weight. I increase the weight when I make all 3x5.

M&F: olympic squats, bench, 90 degree rows;
Wed: conventional deadlifts, dips, chins, OH presses, front squats;
Tue & Thur: snatch, clean & jerk, cleans.

I've burned out so I am going to start again Monday starting at the 10's for everything and ramping back from there.
Currently I'm doing something sorta HST like but sorta 5x5 like. I was on an HST cycle but got into the 5s and turned it into this.

M and F

Squats 5x5
Incline Bench 5x5
Bentover Rows 5x5
Good Mornings 3x5

Deads 5x5
Chins 5x5
Arnold Press 5x5
CG Bench 3x5

I'm cutting, so just cruising, trying to maintain my strength at this point... staying in the 5 rep range, keeping close to my 5 RM and keeping volume decent. I don't try to push out all the sets for every lift if I'm too worn out.

Oh, and cardio once or twice a week when I get around to it.
My routine now is a mess. Thanks to starting up and running my own company, I'm a little (or a lot) pressed for time, so I can only spare really half an hour max. Hopefully things will change after a few weeks or a few months.

My main exercises are:
1) Bench
2) Incline Bench
3) Chins / Lat pulldowns
4) Deads
5) Shrugs - usually performed at the top of each deadlift, except when the deads are too heavy for me to shrug, in which case I do them before the deadlift.
6) Ab work - also a little progressive - no weight at first, then holding a plate, then a much bigger plate by the 5's phase of my other exercises.

The usual isos in my routine are just there when I feel like it - or when I'm finished before half an hour and I still have time.
1.) Leg extensions - the only thing I can conveniently do because my bench has a removable leg extension thingamajig attached to it.
2.) Curls - sometimes regular, sometimes incline regular/hammer curls
3.) Overhead triceps extension

Most often, leg extensions aren't done due to time constraints.
After that, curls and triceps extensions, as I really favor bigger and heavier exercises.
Forgot about the reps/sets, which is what Joe actually wanted to see.

Working 3x a week, I usually do 2-3 sets of each - except for deads, I hate deads so I only do 2 sets and call it good. I don't really cluster - I just do 3 sets, the number of reps varies. I just stop each set one or two reps before failure.