Post your routine

(liegelord @ Jul. 10 2006,01:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Totentanz: are you doing your 5x5 with the same weight for each set?</div>
On Monday, I use 20% less than I used on the last Fri for all 5 sets of each lift. On Friday, I use the 5 sets to build up to a max. On Weds I start out using what I used the previous week and then add weight if I can.

I haven't added a lot of weight, but I seem to be maintaining strength on everything. Although bench has gotten a bit weaker... but my chest is my worst bodypart anyway.
I forgot to mention, when I moved into this current setup, I cut back to about 75% of my 5 RM, so it did give me some room for progression to start off with.
Tot, if you're losing strength, even if it's just on your bench, it doesn't sound like its working.

The way I do a 5X5 is to do my first set with a weight that I can just make 5 good reps with. The following 4 sets I stop when my last rep, whatever it is, begins to approach my limit. A typical initial workout may start out at something 5,4,4,3,3 reps. When I can do 5 reps for all 5 sets in good form I add weight. I have always had luck with gaining strength that way and others I know have good results maintaining strength even when cutting.
(Old and Grey @ Jul. 10 2006,08:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">A typical initial workout may start out at something 5,4,4,3,3 reps. When I can do 5 reps for all 5 sets in good form I add weight.</div>
This is exactly how I do my 5x5´s.
Works wonders.
Well obviously on a calorie deficit, the priority is just to maintain strength. I haven't lost anything dramatic, just not quite able to pound out all the reps/sets on bench like I could before. I'm not expecting to gain strength while on a calorie deficit.
My current routine is pretty straight forward.


Flat bench
Pull ups
Rear delts


Incline bench
rear delts

I scratched direct should work (presses, etc) since I had a little should trouble last time around. Getting plenty of indirect should work though.

Still having great results. I had been doing 1 work set per exercise all the way through. Now I am doing 2 sets during the 15s, first week of 10s and first weeks of 5s. Then one work set the second week of 10s and second week of 5s. I am also doing this with some clustering added with reduced rest times. See how that goes.

I am also doing what I am calling HST tabata on my off days and walking at lunch. I am trying this entire cycle at true maintenance and see how it goes. So far (just starting my 10s) I think I am leaning up a tad.

My HST tabata is done using a treadmill. I simply found a speed and incline that gets me pretty good. I am just ramping up to that over the course of my 8 week cycle. Staying at one speed and incline for a week and then increasing the intensity as the weeks progress.

Four week cycles

Day 1: bench movement
Day 2: Assistance
Day 3: bench movemnets
Day 4: Assistance

Loading increases roughly linearly over the four weeks, volume modulates up and down.
HST has give my bod a more mature look as well as some size and strength. I notice mostly how I LOOK bigger even where I'm not, so I'm happy with this routine. This is my fourth cycle; the first didn't count due to not deloading.

15 x 2
10 x 2
5 x 2 for 3 cycles

and this one is:
15 x 2
10-12 x 2 (at end of this one now)
8-9 x 2
5 x 2

3x/week or every alt. day if I can.

D/B flyes, flat and slight incline
Leg curls
Weighted Pullups, narrow grip
Smith style squats
Weighted Dips - wide grip, V-bar
Machine shrugs, hands to the sides, very very heavy
A-lateral D/B raises, full ROM
Cambered Bar Curls alt. days Incline D/B curls
Skull crushers w/ cambered bar alt days cable pressdowns
Leg extensions when I feel up to it
Chinups, narrow grip BW burnsets

I throw in the occasional pec dec flyes, cable curls, reverse pulldowns, or reverse tri presses for burn sets also. I've done 3 sets on some exersizes, but found it's too time consuming and tiring with this routine.