problem with my MaxStim, 1st cycle


New Member
God! The DL and SQ seem too difficult, even with MaxStim. Today I only did 18 reps with 95% of my 10RM in DL. 20 reps MS with my 90% of the 10RM in SQ and DL was very difficult too. My legs were shore for 4 days after that SQ. But the other exercises, BP, Pendlays etc were ok.

Stopped my last HST cycle on 28th of Feb, as I was starting my 5s. I was too tired from setting new strength PRs, I was stressed, my performance dropped, I became sick, I stopped working out. My throat still bothers me, but I had to go back to the gym.

I started the MS cycle on 29th March. BUT, I wanted to get to heavy weights fast. So I started with 90% of the 10RMs. I wanted to do a couple of wo and then go to the 6RMs. But I am stuck now.

Ok, this may explain the difficulty with DL, SQ. But why I have no problem with the other exercises?
Squats and deads are more demanding than most exercises because they work virtually the entire body with enormous loads. You may have started a bit too heavy. Since its your first time, start it lighter and slowly increase the loads as your body adapts to the new program.
SM is dead on. Nothing is more compound than squats or deads. It takes a lot of energy. It's also why I always do them last or in a separate workout. I can't do anything else after doing them.
Ofcourse.  I know DL and SQ are very demanding.  For the CNS and entire system.  

But still.  During HST I could have done a set of 10 and a set of 7 or 8 reps with 95% of my 10RM.  Now I did the same amount of reps (18) MS style and reached failure. I should be able to do better than this.

It hope it is the long SD and the start from higher weights.
(bobpit @ Apr. 09 2008,06:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ofcourse.  I know DL and SQ are very demanding.  For the CNS and entire system.  

But still.  During HST I could have done a set of 10 and a set of 7 or 8 reps with 95% of my 10RM.  Now I did the same amount of reps (18) MS style and reached failure.  I should be able to do better than this.

It hope it is the long SD and the start from higher weights.</div>
maybe your m time is not long enough.
Agree w/ Faz...something is amiss; m-time, weight or timing. Are you doing other exersizes before them? Maybe you need to split the workout.
Deads are sort of MS anyway, and squats require all the bar carrying that sucks the life out of you. I just can't do MS squats properly; a swinging hook rig with a partner would be ideal for these.
SQ or DL are always the first exercises in my workout.

MS time for SQ was close 45-50 sec. I was reracking the bar at every rep (besides a couple of times that I did sets of 2 reps, to speed things up). For DL it was 35-45 sec.
Try doing them last in the workout. I know I used to advocate doing them first so you are fresh, but with DC I have been doing them last and I find it works better. I can go all out because I know afterwards I am all done.

I would consider lengthening the m-time as the &quot;set&quot; progresses. If you don't feel like you can do the next rep yet, then rest longer.
(Totentanz @ Apr. 09 2008,11:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Try doing them last in the workout. </div>
I barely did 18 reps MS-DL at 95% of my 10RM. WHy do you think I could do 20 reps, if I moved DL at the end of the workout? My performance in the subsequent, lighter exercises does not seem to lag.

(Totentanz @ Apr. 09 2008,11:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you don't feel like you can do the next rep yet, then rest longer.</div>
Yes, this is what I do.
(bobpit @ Apr. 09 2008,11:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Totentanz @ Apr. 09 2008,11:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Try doing them last in the workout. </div>
I barely did 18 reps MS-DL at 95% of my 10RM. WHy do you think I could do 20 reps, if I moved DL at the end of the workout? My performance in the subsequent, lighter exercises does not seem to lag.</div>
Because half of your performance is psychological. If you are just starting out for the day, you aren't going to be as &quot;in it&quot; mentally speaking as you will be once you've gotten through most of your workout. Also, considering that you've been having problems, you may be going into the workout expecting this. Further, you might be subconsciously holding back a bit because you don't want to compromise the rest of your workout.

If you put them last, you can give it your all without having to worry about ruining the rest of your workout. Also, you know that once you get that last rep, you can go collapse in a heap somewhere and not move for twenty minutes, which helps you stay &quot;psyched up&quot; for the exercise.

I'd also watch your preworkout nutrition. Perhaps try adding some sugar before your workout, I've found that sugary stuff along with some protein about a fifteen minutes to a half hour before my workout produces some real great performance.

If all else fails, you could try taking some stimulants before your workout.

Something I've seen some guys do is scream &quot;Light weight! Light weight!&quot; at the bar before lifting. Also, roaring like a beast then pounding your chest like a gorilla before you grab the bar works for some people.
I jumped to phase 2. 75% of my 8RM. This was an easy wo.

I was in a rush, so I did sets of 3 reps for squat. The 3rd rep always felt heavy but my form was always good. My legs were still shore from the previous workouts.

I did sets of 5 for BP, Pendlays and Military press. The weights felt light.

Although this is not MS, I stil follow the principles of avoiding fatigue and doing the 20 reps. Right?

Totentanz, I always have a pre and a post wo drink consisting of Whey and fast carbos.
Yohimbe comes to mind...or guarana over 50mg is kinda fun.
I don't know your age, but I've found that over 50 brings a huge warmup factor. I don't do any more warmup reps than I have to because fatigue takes over sooner, but OTOH I stopped doing squats or deads first because if I do something else first, the warmup from that actually gives me a better shot at them. I feel stiff and a bit awkward if I do them first, especially squats.
Like O&amp;G I am starting to enjoy doing just one big lift in a session once I am in the 5s. So that means I know I can really push myself because afterwards I don't have anything else to do unless I feel like it. This is a benefit from training at home; I can do a quick 30 minute workout and don't have any travelling time to worry about so it's an efficient use of my time. Still, if you don't mind more trips to a commercial gym then it would be worth a try.

Just a thought: for deads, if you used to do continuous reps in a touch-and-go fashion but are now resting between reps you will find that starting from a dead stop each time takes a lot more out of you as you are not benefiting from any stretch reflex between reps.
(quadancer @ Apr. 11 2008,12:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I wouldn't consider touch-and-go to be a dead then. It's not &quot;dead&quot; if it doesn't stop and unload.</div>
Exactly, but a lot of folks do this so it was worth asking - just check some YouTube deadlift vids. Even comps like WSM have allowed touch-and-go reps for what they call deadlifts. They are still hard as hell but you benefit from the stretch reflex. Personally, I also think you are more likely to sustain an injury if you don't stop and reset your back between reps.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Personally, I also think you are more likely to sustain an injury if you don't stop and reset your back between reps. </div>
I agree for several reasons, but the main point is that under a heavy load, you are using a compressed torso and holding the breath. You let that out when going down, so how could the next rep coming up be set properly? You'd have to catch the breath after exhaling and reset the tension of the torso while on the fly, meanwhile getting the spine back into proper form...but weren't you just using your lungs, and changing the form of the spine? You see, it's problematic at best. At lower weights it's not such a problem since you have some strength headroom.
Point is moot tho, since Bob does it right!
Hey Quad,

I actually hold my valsalva maneuver (breath) for the whole set, unless it is over 10 reps. Not to argue the point about deads though, of course it should be unloaded between reps. Just thought I would throw that in though. I am sure there are others like me who do it this way.
What are you, a fish?
I can only get about two reps in on one breath for most exersizes (If I wanted to) and only one for deads or squats. Ten reps? Dang.