

New Member
Im in the process of designing an HST cycle, im 61 kg and therefore can't lift as much as the majority of guys here. I understand that using free weights and compound exercises is more beneficial as opposed to using machines. As i don't lift much with most exercises the increments to induce progressive overload are small and therefore i believe I won't be able to ensure i have increasing increments for each set of 2 weeks as opposed to using machines which have 1kg increment option.

For example shoulder press using dumbells during 10's may look something like this: 10lb, 10, 10, 12.5, 12.5, 15.

so should i use free weights with little progression each workout or use machines which will enable me to increase load each workout?

Free weights allows the other stablising muscles to come into play and also helps with form. Machines arent bad per se but obviously free weights would be the better choice.

I'm kinda like you...was 64kg a month ago - I've got a home gym (machine) and use those. Yeh, on the smaller muscle groups increments were going to be poor. So I just used repeating to compensate. I'm making some decent gains and anyone here will tell you that repeating is fine.

The actual difference between what you want to lift with free weights vs machines isnt the issue. Get ur routine down with whatever increments you want and apply them to machines or free weights.

Try and get more than 1kg increments tho...maybe 4-4-6-6-8-8 if you can manage that. But dont forget to work out you maxes first and then determine the increments.
V, you're talking about a 50% increase in weight from the beginning of the 10's to the end. That's a pretty good increase. The fact that ir is not a lot in terms of weight is irrelevant. It is the percentage increase to your max that is more important. I would also stick with free weights where possible.