I've never done any PH/PS (or real juice cycles)... but from what I have read, ONE or ONE+ is the way to go... 1-AD (ergo) would be another good choice if you want an oral (as ONE and ONE+ are transdermal).
What most people don't realize is that PH/PS 's shut down natural test production just like any other external androgens... granted the person, doseage, specific drug, etc will vary, but the point is that you should use post cycle natural test recovery drugs/supplements to keep your gains and get your test going again... sorry I know this sounds remedial but ALOT of people don't know this...
If I ever do any cycle (PH or PS) I would use nolvadex (or clomid) and possible an anti-aromatase like arimidex or femara (if aromatizable androgens are used like ONE+) post cycle (maybe even nolva on cycle to prevent gyno if using ONE+ even though there is only a sliver of a chance... )
It is remarkable what HST, a bulking diet, and proper rest will yeild... on top of that I treat creatine like "juice".. as lame as that sounds, if you cycle creatine like 3 or 4 weeks on and then 3 or 4 weeks off and use it properly and mentally think of it as a something very powerful you might surprise yourself... If a few years from now, my natural test levels are the limiting factor in further development, then I will give a shot at a good 3 week PH/PS cycle. Just my thoughts

My major concerns with PH/PS cycles are not the temporary side effects like libido loss or whatever... rather, how it affects my body in the long term (prostate, etc...). From spending a year on an AAS board just reading, the prostate enlargement/cancer problems usually stem from a presence of very high androgens AND high estrogen levels at the same time.. not one or the other... however I have no idea as to how long someone would have to spend on an aromatizable androgen like ONE+ to start having problems (my guess would be that it would take quite a while at high doses... and therefore most 2-8 week cycles are pretty safe in terms of prostate problems). The HDL/LDL cholesterol levels are another concern as I know that low or non existent estrogen levels will start the HDL:LDL ratio in the bad direction (some ER site blockers will do this as well).. blood pressure would be another factor... however in the scheme of things, I think when done moderately and with proper research, ONE, ONE+, and 1-ad can all be done with a high level of safety and no long term problems.
One final concern would be "will I be able to say I'm natural"... as this has been debated on boards all over the net... my stance is that PH cycle = still natural... but PS (1-test is a pro-steroid) cycle = juiced... I don't want to start a big debate, but 1-test is simply a legal steroid (I can't believe the government hasn't found a way to ban it yet... only a matter of time...grrrrrr).
One more thing, while we are on this... I don't know how 1-test can be a descent mass drug since it is very similiar to DHT and does not aromatize... but aparently people ARE gaining on it... maybe I'm ignorant of something here, I don't know... the placebo effect and the increase in cals during a cycle might also help explain a small amount of the gains.