(Totentanz @ Jun. 14 2007,19:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Dvst8or @ Jun. 14 2007,05:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Clean weight/muscle gain. With little body fat.
I am not interested in the whole bulk up then cutting down thing. I would like to look good all year round and not just two months out of the year.
Pretty much the principles that are discussed here:
98% of people who attempt that remain small and weak their entire training careers.
Christian Thibaudeau himself gained his size by classical bulking/cutting.
There is nothing wrong with bulking, as long as you don't go all crazy and let the weight gain get out of control. If you just aim to get a pound or so a week, you shouldn't get all fat.
But... who cares anyway? Anyone who has gotten big and fat while lifting weights, then cut down is now a complete and total bad ass. A couple examples: Dave Gulledge, most IFB BBers and even our very own stevejones.</div>
To be completely accurate, Thib got about 90% of his muscles being a fat-assed olympic lifter, then cut-down to about 10% and realized that natural cutting is teh hard so he used "assistance" form Chris Janusz aka SwoleCat...who obviously taught him how to diet down and stuff so he got to single digit BF whilst growing from cycle to cycle. It`s magic I tell you...it`s obviously due to the fact that he didn`t use a traditional bulking approach. Obvioulsy