Protein Cycling


New Member
New to HST... but making good gains so far! My next cycle though I'm going to start playing with my diet a little, and I need some input.

Now, I'm not a nutritionist, biologist, or anything, but I've read everything I could get my hands on regarding protein cycling. From what I've seen, increases in protein consumption result in a temporary increase in protein synthesis. However, the body adjusts rather quickly by higher oxidation rates. Total adaptation takes about 9-12 days.

Most of the recomendations I've seen have an individual alternating periods of high and low protein consumption. The studies I've read say that during this period protein is lost from the liver and other organs. The problem is that when protein is increased, the initial increase in protein synthesis is utilized to replenish these depleted stores. If this wasn't the case then persitent protein cycling would result in atrophy of these organs and death... and by the time these stores are replenished the body has already adapted to the increase in protein through increased oxidation. So, to cycle high and low protein consuption would be a "one step forward, one step back" situation and it would be better just to maintain a high intake...

But here's my idea:
what if i were to initiate a low protein phase lasting 2 weeks, say 1g/kg. After this two weeks of a negative nitrogen balance my body would adjust to this low intake of protein. After that, I would increase consumption to 1.5g/kg for 2 wks. This would result in increased synthesis and lower oxidation rates until my body adjusted in 9-12 days. Then I would raise it again for two weeks... again higher sythesis and lower than normal oxidation until my body compensated. So the entire plan would look like this.

SD -- 1g/kg
15's -- 1.5
10's -- 2
5's -- 2.5
Neg's -- 3
SD -- 1g/kg...

Protein cycling this way would result in only 2wks of a negative nitrogen balance and 8 weeks of enhanced protein synthesis.

So, will it work? Thanks in advance...