Protiens and complex carbs mixed


New Member
Hi there guys (Bryan, sweet site!),

I was over at, and a very popular writer over there said something in one of his nutrition articles about the mixing protien with complex carbos. He said that for carbs one chemical is used to degrade it (can't remember what they're called, even though I know what they are...sad isn't it?), and for protien another on is used. He then said that if you eat both complex carbs and protien at the same time, those two chemicals will cancel each other leaving you with a bunch of useless crap! Is this really true?!?! That would mean I couldn't eat protien in the morning, when I really need it.

Would appreciate a quick, honest answer since breakfast for me is in...oh...11 hours!
Just when you think people cant get any stupider have some strange stuff

Its a similar principal to hte "fit for life' krew, in that protein and carbs are broken down in different environments (acidic vs basic) and by different enzymes, so you have to avoid eatinhg them together.
The whole thing is dumb as dirt and is completely and utterly false.