the professor
New Member
i'm 26, been training for close to 13 years now. Generally, its been each muscle getting hit 1 per week, with 6 or 7 sets to absolute failure. Good gains (5'7, 214 lbs), not so much in the last few years. So i've been trying HST lately, and like it so far. Although, for the workouts with sub-maximal weights (workouts 1, 2, 3, 4 during a 2 week block of 10 reps or even 5 reps) psychologically, it does not feel like i'm doing enough work; often i leave the gym feeling as though i have not sufficiently stressed the muscle....and find it very difficult to leave. Ive tried slowing down the reps etc, but its the same. I'm not questioning the science behind HST at all, just curious if anyone else who came from a volume training background experienced this? Maybe i just need a long SD period? any thoughts appreciated.