Pull-Ups with HST?

We're not going for endurance, so total TUT is our prime goal; however we get there.
Pull-ups may be a "slowburner" as regards adding weight, and micro increments may be the best way of achieving this. I would advise that you weigh yourself, before each workout - for consistancies sake (as food in the digestive system/hydration will affect this method & total weight lifted)
Just one other piece of advice - explosive concentric/slow eccentric lowering...
(nipponbiki @ Nov. 28 2006,04:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">does anyone have any hard evidence or experience that would indicate which of these options would be the best?

Or does it really not matter and simply whatever floats a person's boat?</div>
I don't have evidence. I tend to go by seeing what physically works for me from experience no matter what the science says. I train pullups like I train any other lift for any other muscle.

What way is best? I asked that question to my karate teacher and my kungfu teacher when I was a teenager. I got the same answer from both of them that I'm going to give you.

&quot;The best one is the one that you do&quot;.

In other words, just pick what you can be consistant with and keep doing it until it doesn't work anymore because you are too strong for it. Then change.

Funny thing about muscles. They don't like to grow but if you work them and feed them they will grow in spite of themselves.

This leads me to believe the thing the powerlifters say. The only science that matters is summed up by a scientific formula:

In my first cycle i could only do around 6 chin ups so i just increased the number of reps i did each time as that was suggested. I was doing an A&amp;B workout so i did chins every other workout. But i did only 1 set of 5 the first workout...then 2 sets of 5 the next workout then 3 sets of 5 etc So just increased the number of overall reps i did.

In the 10's i did 3x5 then 4x5 then 5x5.

And in 5's i did 4x5 then 5x5 which was feeling easier for me by then so next workout i added 10lbs and still completed the 5reps.
Then negatives especially seemed to help a lot in terms of lat growth/strength for me personally and i was able to keep increasing the loads for a good while.

Im nearly midway through my second cycle and can do 13 straight chin ups now without any weight so id say that worked well for me considering ive put on over 20lbs aswell.
Though my bent over row strength went up quite a lot aswell so that may be related to it also ?
Great results Johnny. While some of your strength increase will no doubt be neural learning, this does show that managing fatigue can really help to get more work done than would otherwise be possible, thus stimulating growth -&gt; increased strength.