pump not allowing me to do HST 15s


New Member
hey guys. I have a problem/question....today was my second way of the first week (15s). I dropped my 15rm to 25-30lbs less on every exercise so I could increase each workout like the program says. The thing is....I get so pumped from doing 15 reps that I cant complete the second set on some workouts (even though it very very light weight). My muscles dont feel tired, its just that there is so much blood in them that its hard to do the contractions. Is this normal? Im going...

Squat 2 sets
Flat BB Bench press 2 sets
Deadlifts 2 sets
Dips 2 sets
BB Rows 2 sets
Shoulder press 2 sets
shrugs 2 sets
BB curls 2 sets
CG Bench Press 2 sets
I would suggest you lower your volume. You are doing 4 sets of 15 reps for chest per day, 3x per week? That seems like too much. If you add the CG BP as using the pecs too you bump that up by another 90 reps per week. In any case I have never heard of having a hard time with contractions due to pump. You might lose some range of motion but nothing extreme. If it is really something extreme as you made it sound I'd recommend you check with a GP just in case.
Yeah its wierd....the first set of 15s (in shoulder press for example) will seam really really easy and light but it pumps me up, then when I go for the second set I have to stop at around 12 reps. It must be the Nitric Oxide in my creatine...will switch it up with mono to see if this changes. So do you suggest dropping the dips then?? anything else I should change?
Volume, like load, is a personal thing. But, unless you are a veteran lifter that is used to lots of volume your routine seems like too much volume. Bench/Dips is just an example. I would use a A/B routine (use A on Monday, B on Wednesday and A again on Friday) like this:
Squat - 2x15
Bench Press - 2x15
BB Rows - 2x15
Shoulder Press - 1x15
Shrugs - 1x15

Deadlifts - 2x15
Dips - 2x15
Chin-ups - 2x15
Shoulder Press - 1x15

And that is considering you have been working out with somewhat high volume in the past.
how about this?....

Squat x2
bench x2
row x2
Shoulder x2
shrugs x1
Curl x1
CG bench x1

Deadlift x2
bench x2
row x2
Shoulder x2
shrugs x1
Curl x1
CG bench x1
how about this?....

Squat x2
bench x2
row x2
Shoulder x2
shrugs x1
Curl x1
CG bench x1

Deadlift x2
bench x2
row x2
Shoulder x2
shrugs x1
Curl x1
CG bench x1
Squat x2
bench x2
rows x2
Shoulder x2
shrugs x1
Curl x1
CG bench x1

Deadlift x2
bench x2
chins/pulldowns x2
Shoulder x2
shrugs x1
Curl x1
CG bench x1

this would be better,you need a vertical pull aswell as a horizontal pull.
nice to see you've joined up BTW from muscle talk.
thanks FAZ....

I cant add Chins since I can only do 13 good ones with my body weight. And I workout at home so I dont have a pulley for the pulldown. Should I just stick to the Rows then?
I cant add Chins since I can only do 13 good ones with my body weight.

Sure you can! It's no big deal if you start using a slightly heavier load than you would normally use for your 15s but there is an easy solution to the problem:

Seeing that 15s are a lot to do with producing high levels of lactate in the muscles being worked you can always do a slight variation on regular pull-ups to enable you to do more reps and to feel the burn. Ever tried assisted pull-ups or chins? All you do is set yourself up so that you can grab the bar with your feet able to reach the floor (or a stool/platform if you have a high bar). Use just enough of a push with your feet to help you to get 15-20 reps. You can lower each rep under control. If you do this correctly you will be able to do several high-rep sets for a real lat pump.

Chins and pull-ups are such great compound exercises that it would seem a shame to miss them out. If you can add dips in too in place of bench in one workout, that would be another good choice. You could use the same assisted technique for dips if you can't do enough for 15s.

(Even if you start out doing regular chins and can't manage the high reps, you can still make good use of progressive loading over a cycle, but you won't be able to make as many increments is all.)
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hey guys. I have a problem/question....today was my second way of the first week (15s). I dropped my 15rm to 25-30lbs less on every exercise so I could increase each workout like the program says. The thing is....I get so pumped from doing 15 reps that I cant complete the second set on some workouts (even though it very very light weight). My muscles dont feel tired, its just that there is so much blood in them that its hard to do the contractions. Is this normal? Im going...

Go ahead and drop the weight. The idea is to allow this type of metabolic stress to facilitate growth and to prepare the joints for future heavier loads. Remember, our focus is the tissue itself, not the numbers (i.e. # of pounds).