Question about Cutting


New Member
When cutting during an HST cycle, would it be necessary to do metabolic work following the 5s and the negs, or would that just be a waste of energy since growth isnt the goal?

also, would it be more beneficial to start off with heavier weights and increment less frequently?

I was kinda thinking the same thing... wouldn't it make sense to do something like 2 weeks of 5's followed by 2 week negs and repeat without sd till you finish cutting?
Spyke you got it.

You would just increment the usual until you hit some failure point with your negs and then repeat. I like to increase the frequency a whole bunch towards the beginning of a cut cycle while eating a maintenance level. then as the weeks go by and the weights get higher, i lower frequency of heavy training 3xweek + 3x week 30 min mod cardio. I continue with that for a while.
I got some advice from Dkm and he said just keep tapering off the calories as you extend your cut cycle (ie 1st week maintenance, 2nd week 200 below, 3rd week 400 below, and so on). Focus on the types of carbs you have when you aren't working out (low GI) and prework have high GI, and back to low GI post workout. As you lower your calories try to maintain pretty high protein intake meaning the a majority of the calorie deficit comes from carbs and fats.

good luck.

so does anyone know if it would be necessary to do metabolic work during the 5s and the negs?

btw i hope everyone had a happy and safe christmas to those who celebrate it
You want low-GI pre workout, burns more fat during the workout. This was covered by Bryan in the last Think Muscle newsletter.
I think the point of High GI carb preworkout is to give you the quick access carb energy for the workout. I think the calories burned during the workout will all come from whatever you had just eate (protein shake + high GI carb) and the calories lost from fat come from the residiual affects of working out HST style IE: higher metabolic fatigue, calories needed to for muscles to recover and so on.

I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me that since low gi is more sustained that you would not be making the most out of those calories within the short period of workout you are in, 45-60 mins, while the the high GI carbs would be used to the max and hopefully completely during the workout and thats it.

Colby I remember Aaron saying something about that too, is this true only for pre + post workout? or does it apply in general whenever you eat?
