question about frequency & hypertrophy

to be fair i can see where the confusion can happen.

dan recommends 2 workouts a week for max stim ( i guess due to the volume of each workout)
but above he agrees 3x a week frequency is best ( if you can use enough volume each workout to get growth signals and still recover in time)

so the question is why didn't dan recommend a frequency of 3x a week and simply adjust volume to suit?

(DRAGON @ Aug. 11 2007,22:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">dan recommends 2 workouts a week for max stim</div>
Does he?

I thought he'd outlined routines for 4,3 and 2 times a week on the max stim web site? Apologies if I've missed it but I've never seen him recommend 2 times a week altho I have seen him point to studies which show little benefit to 3 over 2 times a week.


your right rob, sorry my mistake. i was talking about the frequency article on his site where he recommends 2 over 3 per week.

a quote from said article:

&quot;If one is willing, and/or able, to adjust the factors needed for proper recovery, and are a healthy adult, twice weekly training per muscle or muscle group appears to be the optimal prescription. Superior results have not been found for higher frequencies of stimulation (in longer term situations), but lesser results have been found for lower frequencies.&quot;

whole article is found here: