A little about me, I’m 29 male, 84kgs. Been working out off and on for 10 years. Haven’t stuck with it for about 7 years. I’m kind of lazy… I try and eat healthy yes if I’m hungry I eat what’s around me. I have pretty good genetics that I maintain a lot of any muscle mass I put on anytime I do get back in the gym.
With 30 around the corner and the fact I am putting on fat now, something that has never happened to me before, I’m out to get back in shape of health reasons and to look good. I’m curious to try new things and “IF” seems to fit my life style but I have a lot of questions… Ideally I want to put on 25 pounds and lose 5-10 worth of fat ect ect and try and sit at 200lbs healthy
1.) How will 24/24 IF mix with strength training, (5x5) 3 times a week? Mon/Wed/ Friday. And MMA training Tuesdays and Thursdays?
2.) What days should I be fasting on and what days should I be eating on? Or just do 24/24 each week and let it changes days as they come??
3.) Getting insulin and glucose levels tested a must?
4.) I’ve never used AAS, but if it was something I wanted to try this stage in my life. Would Fasting be counterproductive to maximizing gains from gear?
5.) Weighing in at 84kg, on my 24 hours of eating, (8-9 of that is sleeping) what kind of calorie intake am I looking for? Over the total period of 24 hours?
6.) Sups, Such as BCAA, multi’s/B complex, fish oil, creatine and melatonin on fasting days, how can I take this without upsetting my stomach or damaging the stomach lining??
7.) Ratio of Protein to carbs to fat should be what aprox?
8.) Would I still follow rules such as… a.) My 24hour window of eating lands on a weight training day, consume 4.4g/kg of protein? b.) My 24Hour window of fasting lands on a off day, consume 2.2g/kg?
9.) What about protein intake on weight training days where I’m in the 24 hour fasting window? Am I hurting muscle repair, losing muscle mass??
10.) What fluids are ok to consume during a fast? Water, tea and coffee?
11.) Random question, if my target is 4000cal a day, and I fast from 6pm-6pm then eat 6pm-6pm. I will still get 1-2 meals in the night my fast ends. AM I targeting 4000cal in those few hours Then another 4000cal when I wake up until 6pm or just 4000cal total over the course of the 24 hours?
Feel free to add any links or other info that may concern anything to do with IF, and any questions I may have had. I have been doing my research, but I wanted to post and ask a few questions that I’m unsure about as of now. Going to try to post this on a few sites and soak up all the info I can.
Thanks in Advance!
Ps. Keep on squatting to grow 