Questions regarding HST

Hey all, I was putting together my HST chart using 10 pound increments. The weight looked too light for the early workouts and i knew it would be a breeze, so instead I switched it to 5 pound increments on every exercise. Yesterday was my first day and I was pleased with the workout. I got a good burn on all my exercises. I guess Ill stick with the 5 pound increments.

Also, is there anyway to apply the HST concepts to doing abs? I hate doing crunches to failure when your red faced.
Hi guys, I am currently attempting to lose weight and get more cut up with the HST workouts. So I thought I'd post my diet and my HST workout plan (again, so you guys dont have to go back in this thread and find it) so you guys can critique it and tell me if i am on the right track to getting cut up with my diet/hst regimen.

Here is my diet: Monday thru Friday

7am: 3 egg whites with a small slice of a whole wheat pancake and a cup of green tea (decaff., no sugar)

9:30am: A plastic cup of walnuts

12pm: Grilled chicken with diced tomatoes, red peppers, and a little balsalmic vinegar on a spinach wrap. I only eat half of the wrap.

3pm: I eat the other half of the wrap, but just the inside. I throw away the wrap itself.

7pm or 8:30ish(on days I workout): I have either chicken, steak, skirt steak, porkchops, or salmon on the BBQ. I just pick one every day.

I also drink 3 cups of green tea daily and one glass of orange juice. I make sure I drink as much water as I could too.

On Saturday's and Sunday's I have one bad meal a day. Usually for dinner. I eat whatever I want, but I eat very little and clean all day leading up to those meals.
I lost about 50 pounds in 6 months on this diet.
Here is my work out. I just started my first HST cycle. I workout M-W-F. I am doing 2 sets for the 15's,10's and 5's on this cycle, but starting next cycle I will do 1 set for 15, 2 for 10, and 3 for 10's AND i WILL do drop sets for my post 5's.


Leg curls
Calf raises
Flat bench
Bent-over rows
Lat pulldowns
Dumbbell push presses
Tricep extensions with rope (I will replace this exercise with head breakers starting next cycle)

I also do low intensity cardio Mon. Wed. & Friday mornings. I walk on an incline for 25-30 minutes.

Sorry for the long post, but is my plan any good for cutting up? Am I eating enough? Am I getting enough carbs? Too much protein? I know there is a gap from 3pm-7pm/8:30pm in my diet. Should I stick another meal in there?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If you are using HST to try and cut up should you still use drop sets for the post 5's?

Also, is it true you do not have to SD after your first cycle if you are looking to get cut up?