quick question about soreness


New Member
Hey guys!

Currently I'm in the second week so microcycle 10's, ie, is relatively intense. I do training sessions consisting of basic exercises and isolation exercises for arms, calves and trapezius, morning and night. My diet has about 4,000 kcal on training days and 3300 kcal on days of rest. I noticed that after the first week of the cycle I did not feel the muscle soreness common in the days following the training. My question is: this is a sign that my body is recovering well, or, rather, that the training intensity is too low?

soreness isnt really a good indicator of anything TBH,also remember you are doing the same exercises 3x a wk,so your body is acustomed to that exercise,if you only trained 1 bodypart a wk you would be more likely to get DOMS.
its like running at first your sore but the more you do it the less sore it gets,but if you only ran once a wk you would probably be sore after each run.
I was about to post this same question. The first week of 15s I was very sore on the legs especially and overall felt "worked up", but now I even increased my sets to 3 on the 10s from the second workout into them and still can't achieve soreness. It gives the impression you aren't working hard enough but I'm pretty sure I am pushing myself enough during the workout and staying very focused. So far my legs have increased their size the most and they were the ones that were really really sore after the 15s, so this even adds to my worries!
There has been research showing that although soreness and muscle damage occur together after a workout, they aren't co-related in a causative fashion. So, you can experience soreness with little if any muscle damage. Likewise you can experience muscle damage with little or no soreness.

I completely understand however why you like to use soreness are an indicator of how effective your last workout was...I often find myself doing the same thing. Unfortunately it just isn't accurate. I seldom get sore...save for maybe a couple times after SD. I have been training consistently for over 32 years now and my body just doesn't react to the beating it gets on a daily basis with soreness anymore.