Quick question


New Member
When I've reached my max weight for the 10s and 5s I can complete the first set, but when I get to my second set I'm too tired to complete all the reps. I can think of a number of options but I'm not sure which one is the best. Should I just lower the weight for the second set so I can do all the reps?
I would cluster the additional sets (do as many reps as you can, rest a few seconds then finish what ever is left). This way you still complete the target number of repsper set.
Ditto with the Big O and Joe. I wouldn't consider a drop set until the post-5's, and even at that point I would be doing it for metabolic sets.
curt: That's quite understandable. You will have been working close to failure which takes a lot more out of you. Just do as the guys say and cluster the next reps. So maybe try for 5,3,3,2,2 if you were intending to do three sets of 5. Once you get to the heavy end of the 5s you will need to give yourself a couple of minutes rest before lifting again. This is quite a long time if you are training alone so you may not be giving yourself enough time to recover.

Just a few thoughts!  
(Curt @ May 27 2006,14:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">When I've reached my max weight for the 10s and 5s I can complete the first set, but when I get to my second set I'm too tired to complete all the reps. I can think of a number of options but I'm not sure which one is the best. Should I just lower the weight for the second set so I can do all the reps?</div>
Everybody has already given some good suggestions, I just thought I would add a comment or two.

If your first set brings you to failure before your last workout for that rep range, you should lighten it up a bit.

10RM means different things to different people. AS far as HST goes, your RM is the weight that you can lift for the desired number of reps without significantly &quot;breaking form&quot;. In other words, for your 10RM, you should be able to complete 10 identical reps.

Now, with a little body-english you can lift quite a bit more than this, but it isn't really necessary for the majority of workouts. Cheat reps are usually best left for drop sets.

One thing that can really help with the second set is to make an effort to really make the 15's count. I mean really make each set as painful as possible. During the 15s every body part you train should burn like crazy each set. This will increase your lactate tolerance as well as build more stamina or &quot;strength-endurance&quot;.

Personally, I am a fan of breaking up the second or third set into two partial sets. That way I can reduce fatigue yet still get in all the reps I planned. So the muscle sees all the weight it needs but the nervous system isn't drained too soon in the workout.

Anyway, just some thoughts.
