Reactions To Muscle

Bob Evans

I know this topic has been raised before. But I have been noticing it recently. How other people react to you when you have a build. Here are a few things I notice.

1) I catch people looking at me "checking me out".

2) Strangers -- like sales people will bring up the topic of working out, and weight lifting and ask questions. Then talk about their own fitness programs. -- or lack there of.
(I always pitch HST by-the-way)

3) Some people will warn me not to get "too big"

4) One guy asked me if I was power lifter (that’s when I decided to start cutting!!!)

I am far from Greek God material. It is just interesting to see the reactions. I gotta admit I am not complaining. What is weird is some reactions are positive -- and some negative. It is also a little weird having guys stare at you. And then glance away when you look in their direction.

Curious to hear other people's experiences and comments on the subject.

I can only imagine what Blade, Bryan, Biz and the other BIG GUYS on here experience.
