Replaceing Negatives


New Member
I workout at home alone, mostly with a freeweight lever machine (bodysolid) and freeweights, and was wondering since I have no partner to help with negatives, could I do heavy partials instead? I'm on my first HST cycle. Love the concept.
If I were you, I'd just continue with my 5 RM, even try to increment beyond that. There are some exercises that it is possible to negatives on if you are creative. Chins and dips, for instance, are easy to do negatives on when you are alone and both are very productive when done in a negative fashion.
Anyway, if you decide to just keep going, then do so, but make note of what your new 5 RM is when you reach that. If you want to go beyond your 5 RM, you could use clustering to work up to your 2 RM or thereabouts.

I would include either dropsets or burn sets about now as well, if I were you.
Gotcha T, thanx! But to think of it, aren't burnsets considered hard on the CNS? I would think that that is the antithesis of HST, but I have seen them suggested in several places in the forums. (I.E. lagging bodyparts, etc.)
As long as you don't go to failure, you should be fine. I keep it to a 15-20 rep set, only 1 burn set per muscle group. Overall, I do maybe 4 burn sets total after my workout. If it is hard on the CNS at all, it probably won't be a big deal, since you'll only be doing them for a couple weeks or so, assuming you don't start doing them until the post5s.

Which by the way, is another point. You can keep going as long as you are getting gains. So don't feel like you must SD after two weeks unless you are really starting to feel like crap. Why end a good thing early, right?
Oh, I agree. If it works, don't fix it. Well, you have me excited...time to hit the sunroom and kick my ass. Burnsets here I come; chest LOOK OUT!
One more question as I avoid cleaning out my shop/garage...have you ever heard of 'progressive rest-pause' sets? When I did the burn sets today they just pretty much felt like normal workout sets except for going over 15-20 reps. So I thought the 'ol RP stuff above might be more effective, since the single burn set didn't even give me a pump.

Progressive rest-pause
Do a ten-rep max and rest 10 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 15 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 20 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 25 seconds.
Go to failure and rest 30 seconds.
Go home.
I find that the final set would be only about 2-3 reps for compound movements and maybe 5 reps for small muscles, like bi's. These sets are brutal, not for noobs. Only one set needed.
Admittedly I'm slow to get the brainwashing out of my head - DOMS, failure training, and such. Since you're probably right, then would not the RP set be good for the last workout before the two days off? That way you'd have the two days to recover; I never took much longer than that.
I'm just thinking out loud here, trying to get the most out of the workout...I'm still having trouble believing it's gonna work...especially since I can't find any pics of anyone's progress, transformations, or just

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">since the single burn set didn't even give me a pump.</div>

Pump is not really a growth inducer
and by the way you should only be hitting burn sets/drop sets/metabolic enhancers etc from the 5's onwards.

Don't forget that the 15's are more &quot;medicinal&quot; than anything else! Make sure you use them properly, but don't look for the burn or even the pump whilst on 15's.

Hope this helps, and yep, don't do DOMS we've burn't that one to the ground
just ask Vince and he'll tell ya.

Anyway - enjoy!
I just assumed a burn came with at LEAST a pump! Lactic acid overload maybe?
Aw C'mon, I gotta have SOMETHIN'! I might get lonely without pain!
Dont worry about burn Totentanz said if you do them during 5's and post 5 no need to worry.

To be honest my last 2 weeks before I SD...i will go crazy on any type of burn sets..drop....or even high volume!

Why not in my opinion b/c hey you are about to SD for a while so if you do make it a little tough on CNS you recover over your sd.

2 weeks of anything should drain you cns but so much.
I was wondering by the same token, why not a more serious workout before the weekend? And if so, how? More reps? Super burns? Drops, Rest-pause, or railroads? Seems like I read in here that the CNS recovers in what, 72 hours?
I understand what you're saying, you want the workout to hurt cause that's what you're used to. You figure, two sets of bench press @ less than my 10 RM? How can that do anything??

After 4 cycles, I'm starting to more fully comprehend the concept of applying a progressive mechanical load with frequency after deconditioning the muscle.

I'm sitting here right now, sore as hell, from my first workout in week 2 of 10's. No failure, no burns, just a heavier weight than my last workout.
I'm on the 5 set weeks. We were talking about using burn sets. Then I asked out of curiosity about a CNS failure set before the weekend, where you could recover over the weekend, not doing them during the week. I'm doing a couple of burn sets during the week, and maybe that's enough - time will tell.
I don't see a problem with going to failure occasionally during the post5s. You're going to SD soon anyway... don't overdue it to the point where you may get sick/injured though. A lot of people totally fear failure now, but going to failure once in a while is good for neural adaptation. Just don't make a habit of it.

When I do burn sets, I get a nice pump usually, if it's in the right muscle. Burn sets on squats... not so much. I don't usually get a pump so much as just a burn from the lactic acid. All you are really looking for is to add in some metabolic work, since you get less from the heavier 5s and post5s.
In the past, I've also toyed with doing my workouts during the 5s normally, but on my offdays doing a fullbody workout with high reps, sort of like merging the 15s and 5s together. That worked pretty much the same and during that period, I had a lot of extra time, so I really enjoyed it.
Actually, my friend who got me into this is on his 3rd week of 5rep sets and not tired yet, still making gains. I hope to follow suit.
BTW, thanx for the good advice, makes sense.
mmmm........ well, a lot of ideas in this thread and all are right with that of trying a high intensity technique in your 5's... definitely if you use it all the time you will hit the wall sooner than later...... for me it works to use it only on occasions, they are:

1) once a week for each muscle group (in my 5's mainly and sometime in my 10's for some techniques)
2) when I can not do what I planned for a muscle... for instance if 1 day I was supposed to do 120 lbsx10 reps and I can only do 8, you bet that as a penalty I will continue with 3-steps drop set to try to shake my system a little bit... or as a penalty

the HI techniques I use the most are drop sets (for most of the upper body muscles), piramiding, partial reps (especially for squats)