Replaceing Negatives

Latin I think you're right also and here's why I  think so: it seems to me that the big difference between HST and traditional is mostly CNS damage. Now, assuming that HST gets its results from consistency and progression, then we'd assume that traditional systems mostly work by complete destruction and repair of a muscle, taking much longer for each minicycle as I see it.
    Therefore:if on HST, you should move a certain poundage? to call it done, and failing that, you simply add what you can to get your total, right? So then you have ---- work done + time off as opposed to
work done + time off + more time off + more time off...did I get it right?
Now as for burn set extras I don't know how that figures in, but when I do two quick sets of weighted pullups I feel like I just warmed up, not worked out, so the burn set later just FEELS right to me so far.

I agree.... HST is based (supposedly) on the fact that sufficient stimulus to grow muscle tissues is done with a low number of sets.... therefore anything else is just more microtrauma of muscles and overload of CNS.... we all agree that the more microtrauma  the bigger the "callous" on the muscle tissue but also the longer the required recovery time... so, apparently 3x small callouses > 1-2 big callouses, he he he

Now on the quick sets, yes, you don't feel anything with quick sets because the blood has not had enough time to move in... with slower movements and high intensities you give time to move in and pump a lot.... then while the blood is still there you have this "pumped" or "full" muscle look... I like it but actually it is frustrating to see half an hour later that is gone with the wind, he he he.... so I strive more for techniques that will give me longer results for my money.... such as slow movements, perfect form and here and there high intensity techniques... it is important not to make your routine a routine... that way your muscle will perpetuate in the same state for ever ... so, try to change something during each workout, the exercise, no. sets, include drop sets sometimes or partial reps or forced reps or super sets, giant sets, etc.... but just ocassionally, otherwise your CNS will overheat and to make matters worse it will not be a surprise for your muscles anymore
Latin, is that still working for you? I'm contemplating adding isolations for arms on the offdays, doing only compounds on the workouts. Waddaya think?