Replacing Dips


New Member
I'm doing Inverse Bench (only 45 degree angle available at the gym) for chest but I can't do 15 body weight Dips. What would be the best replacement?
Cluster the reps into sets of less then 15 and try to increase the number of reps per cluster during the course of the cycle.
You can also do only bench for the 15s and add dips on the 10s and 5s. One other option is to do push-ups on the 15s to add some variety.
I'm with electric. If you can't do 15 bw dips then do as many reps in good form as you can (ie. don't struggle with the last rep or go to failure), take a 10 second break and then do a few more. Rinse and repeat until you have your 15 reps. Count that as 1 set.

Dips are such a worthwhile exercise that swapping them out just because you can't do 15 yet doesn't make much sense. Your dip strength will pick up quite quickly if you work at them. If you're up for a challenge, doing negs with a bit of added weight following the 5s will help too. Do read the FAQ on negatives.

A few of the guys I train couldn't get much more than a single bw dip 6 months ago and now they can get at least 10 good reps plus they are heavier now too. Similar thing applies to chins and pull-ups.
What you guys are suggesting is what I planned on doing. Unfortunately, it goes against the whole HST philosophy. It seems like it would increase strength but not add size because i would be essentially doing my max every single session.

Would it hurt to add the peck deck and still try to do a cluster of 15 dips?

Chest is what I most want to emphasize so I want to get it right.
i was planning on using bench right throughout the whole cycle. Dont have a dip station so no choice really.
Against HST philosophy/principles? Not really. What you are trying to achieve is load progression over the course of a cycle with sufficient frequency to maintain the growth stimulus. HST is not about rep ranges.

In the case of dips, if you are unable to do 15 body weight dips then you have to start the cycle doing fewer reps -- or find a way to reduce your body weight to allow you to get more reps (some machines allow you to do this). Sure you won't be able to progress the load over a cycle as much as you can for some of your other exercises, but after a few cycles you'll be stronger and you will then be able to use a greater load progression.

In all of this, I'm assuming that you can actually do at least 5 reps with your body weight. If you can't get 5 reps at present then, like Bryan said, you might as well use something else or save dips for the post-5s.

Using loads around your 5RM can be effective for longer than just a few weeks and, as dips are one of the easier movements with which to perform negatives, it would still be possible to have enough load progression to keep a cycle going for quite a few week. The downside to using heavier loads for longer periods is the toll they can take on your joints and connective tissue, but if you are relatively light and just lack a bit of strength this may not be an issue.

What you guys are suggesting is what I planned on doing. Unfortunately, it goes against the whole HST philosophy. It seems like it would increase strength but not add size because i would be essentially doing my max every single session.

Would it hurt to add the peck deck and still try to do a cluster of 15 dips?

Chest is what I most want to emphasize so I want to get it right.
I don't use a dip station. I use two pulldown cable bars across the powercage safeties - this gives me a nice wide (about 3') dip to which I add db's behind the knee for weight. It makes it easier to load a db and set up too.