Roll Call

Hey, thanks Style! I'm just passing on what I've learnt from all the other great folks here plus a little bit of my own take on things. This site epitomises the spirit of the internet. I can count on one finger(!) the number of people I have met in a gym who have given me insight into hypertrophy, training and diet anywhere close to what I have learnt here. Hats off to all of you.  

I am here and still 100% loyal to hst. I check in when I can but spend more time on the hrt boards lately.
(style @ Aug. 18 2006,16:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1 The question has been asked a million times before
2 I feel Im not qualified to answer the question
3 The question has already been answered satisfactorily
4 The question has already been answered but I disagree with it on some point but dont want to start an argument (or due to possibly #2 above).</div>
I'm here about 3-4 times a day, but don't post too much for pretty much the same reasons as Style listed.
There are many here that know far more than me and that I really listen too. Fausto, Lol, Tot, and many, many more.
Also, I find my self &quot;evangelizing HST&quot; to others &amp; although I know I am giving them some of the best advice they could ever get, I might go over board a bit
, so I have to keep those sessions short.
I'm &quot;new&quot; here I guess. I joined long ago as you can see, and that is when I started HST. I did 2 cycles back to back, and went from a perpetual 145 &quot;hard gainer&quot; lbs to 175.

I did gain some fat bulking (for the first time in my life) but also a TON of muscle. I thought (really, no kidding) after the 2nd cycle that the scale had just broken and I was probably maybe 150-155 which I was very excited about.

Just recently I weighed myself on a pretty accurate scale after doing dieting to loose some fat, and I'm STILL 170!

I haven't lost a lot of what I have gained after this program and that's a FIRST. Trust me, I've tried MANY programs and this is the ONLY one that has done what it has done for me!

After the 2nd cycle, I guess you could say &quot;life&quot; got in the way for quite a while and I didn't get back into it. But.....I am back and more ready than ever! may be seeing more of me here now and in the near future.

Thanks for the advice I've gotten so far and THANK YOU BRYAN!!
Haven't been around for the past few weeks as I've been to Houston, TX; Myrtle Beach, SC; and up in Maine. I also just started school... have a big load of 18.5 credits at Penn State, so I may not post as much as I usually do, but I'll chime in as much as possible.

Arm specialization worked over the summer through a cut, I got a few comments already!
Still here, still doing HST. I've actually lost track of how many cycles I've done...which is a good thing, I guess
, since it has become kind of second nature, so I don't have to record everything in my w/o journal anymore - just the main deviations (good or bad).

Haven't posted for awhile...haven't really had anything worthwhile to say  
. Still reading, though. Nice to see that O&amp;G is back.

New to the board, but not new to lifting.

Don't post a lot because I want to learn about HST. It's a great board with lots of no-BS stuff.
(Omega_man @ Aug. 21 2006,21:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(style @ Aug. 18 2006,16:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1 The question has been asked a million times before
2 I feel Im not qualified to answer the question
3 The question has already been answered satisfactorily
4 The question has already been answered but I disagree with it on some point but dont want to start an argument (or due to possibly #2 above).</div>
I'm here about 3-4 times a day, but don't post too much for pretty much the same reasons as Style listed.
There are many here that know far more than me and that I really listen too. Fausto, Lol, Tot, and many, many more.
Also, I find my self &quot;evangelizing HST&quot; to others &amp; although I know I am giving them some of the best advice they could ever get, I might go over board a bit
, so I have to keep those sessions short.</div>
Smee too ! I bet nobody beats me on days registered vs number of posts

I have become the guy my mates come to when they need info (I've become adept at using the search function) and sing the HST praises at every opportunity
G'Day Boys and Girls,

How yous all goin?

I am a longtime reader and lifter well I would like to think so anyway lol

but this is my first real post. I first discovered this site from another site about 9 months ago.

Since then I have done 3 HST cycles

All have yielded good results. Although my joints have been fried from my last cycle.

Anyway just a quick burst from me.