Routine for my wife


Active Member
Guys my wife has been working out for about 2 years now and has had great results. She started out to tone up her glutes and while she has done that the results have been great but she still feels she needs some improvement. She has a great six pack but unlike guys she tends carry what little fat she has inbetween her thighs. This is were my question comes into play. My wife feels that she needs to continue to work her glutes..but also the skin inbetween her legs is a little loose as well. I am talking about the area between your crotch and knee cap on the inside of the legs. What would be a good exercise selection for her to get maximum toned in the glutes and inside legs?

Here is her current routine you will notice increased volume for her legs b/c that is her week point.

squats 3 sets
leg curls 2 sets
Shoulder press 3 sets
Back 3 sets
chest 2 sets
bis 2 sets
triceps 2 sets
abs 3 sets

What do you guys recommend for the glutes and inner leg thigh area?

Thanks in advance :)
walking lunges with dumbells, plus the following on cardio days

Fast as you can, no rest b/w exercises
15 speed squats
15 alternating lunges
15 split squats (start in lunge position and jump, switching feet)
15 speed squats
Rest 3 minutes

Do it 2x the first time and work up to 4x, or else she will not be walking for 3 days following the first time. (Guess how I know that!)

Credit is due to JC Santana for this, which he calls the "Leg Crank", claiming his legs were at their biggest doing this routine 10x in a row, once a week with 24 reps of each exercise.

Good luck!
The bottom line is she can do squats, lunges, abductor exercises, etc. til the cows come home, but she will need to do more cardio or create more calorie deficit to burn the fat off. Everyone has their stubborn area, and it is always the last to go and the hardest to rid your self of.
Joe, was she previously heavy? her age (don't give it away, she'll kill ya, just a close approx.)?

Reason is that in previously heavy people, depending on their age, some areas of the skin may never tighten back up to what they had in their youth without the aid of surgery. Or increasing LBM to the same extent as they had previously been fat (could be a long road that one).

Other than that, same what BabyA said.
Thanks she has never been be honest and I am not making this up...she looks very similar to Janet Jackson in the stomach and has arms like madonna. I am the type of person who would tell you if she was me...she is not she is actually ripped...everywhere but that one little area...its strange? She is about 5 foot 5 and weighs prob. 117 but she is muscular. Her bodyfat is really low....we have tested it with calipers and the electronic....its just that stubborn area for her.
Thanks everyone...and as always thanks DKM...your knowledge is always very valuable.

ol almost forgot she is 23 years still young!....which is good for me...hehe
Got me?

Ask atxfitgal, hey she's from my state so she should know, right? Plus she's the one who mentioned them.
Yep, squats done really fast. All of the movements should be as fast as you can w/o sacrificing form.

Sounds like your wife and I are built a lot alike (28, 5'6, 18%bf). Try my routine once or twice a week for a few weeks, and also you might try a good track workout w/ drills and sprints. Has made a big difference for me.