(scientific muscle @ Mar. 19 2007,20:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><u>Olympic squats- ramped up to 205x5
</u>My form sucked on these last week, so I did medium stance deep squats with my back perfectly upright the whole time (like an olympic lifter), My quads and hams were doing all the work instead of my back, and I was VERY weak on these! Worked up to only 205x5, didn't want to go any heavier and go back to old, bad form habits. My thighs are much weaker than I thought.
I will continue to do olympic style squats as they suit my bodytype much better than wide-stance power squats, although I need to check my ego before doing these with much less weight!</div>
Nice workout, Carl. I hear ya on Oly style ATG squats. I had been doing a few sets of more or less half squats with maybe 260, when I became convinced to do ATG. I believe this was right around when I started Max-Stim and wound up dropping to the low 100s for 20 Max-Stim style ATG squats. I'd guess that my 5RM with good form would have been around 130. About six months later my squats have gone from pathetic to merely embarrassing: my best for 3x5 is now 185. But if you get to where you can do a decent weight with Olympic style squats it means something. Mine are only now about even with my Pendlay rows and well behind what I can incline press--slow progress, but I'll get there.
Incidentally, my deadlift is also way above my ATG squats. I got up to 300x5 and 315x3 when doing 5x5. I probably could have done somewhat more, but was concerned that I was DLing with almost a flat back and backed off heavy DLs for a while. Anyway, keep up the good work.