SD Nutrition


New Member
I am now on an SD, my least favorite part of HST. Anyways, I am curious if I should be eating a certain type of macronutrient ratio while SDing. While cutting, I ate 35/32/33 (C/F/P) a day. Should I change the ratios? I'm thinking of dropping some fat for carbs, but I figured I might as well ask. Thanks.
I don't see any reason why you should modify the ratios. Perhaps you could increase carbs and drop fat a lot just for the shake of cycling. Or the other way around. You could also try different food choices. Not that it is SD-specific, I just believe that changing from time to time is good :)
Protein would be less important after about 2-3 days into the SD. Other than that a modest drop in calories to account for inactivity would be sufficcient. No need to really change your ratios.