setting new PRs and cutting at the same time.


New Member
This is my 2nd HST cycle. What I noticed in the last 1 month of training, ie since the start of this cycle on May 22nd, is this:
My chest increased 0,5-1 cm.
My waist decreased 0,5-1 cm.
My weight remained the same.
This normally means I am gaining muscle while I loose fat. Not spectacular progress, but I think these are good results.

This is my method in more details:
Since June 12th, I do 3 weight lifting workouts and 3 energy workouts per week. So I go to the gym 6 days a week, 1 day rest. This idea is taken from the EAS training program.
I tried Tabata but I noticed that they are too draining for the CNS. The day after Tabata, my legs were too tired for Squat or DL. So I switched to lighter HIIT. Usually 6-9 minutes of running, ranging from 5km/hour to 15km/hour, 73% to 100% of my MaxHeartRate.

Before HIIT, I will pick 2-4 upper body exercises and do some high reps. Like 70-100 reps of rows with low weight. The idea for the high reps is taken from the article:

The last 10 days I am on strict diet. My BMR is about 2.400 kcal per day. What I do is consume no more than 1.200 kcal per day, PLUS my pre-post wo drinks. I try to cover the energy expended during the workouts purely with cals from the fast carbos of the drink. The cals from protein of the drink is the extra bonus to my body.

So on a typical energy wo day, my wo will cost me 270 kcals. This means I need at least 2.400 + 270 = 2670 kcal. What I will do is consume 1200 kcal of food, plus 715 pre-post wo, which is 1915 kcal. So I THINK I protect my muscles, I promote anabolism, I speed up my metabolism and I burn more than 700 kcals of fat that day.

On a typical weight lifting day, my wo will cost me 500 kcals. This means I need at least 2.400 + 500 = 2900 kcal. What I will do is consume 1650 kcal or more of food, plus 950 pre-post wo, which is 2600 kcal. So I THINK I promote anabolism, I speed up my metabolism and I still burn some fat.

So although I am on a low calorie diet, when I go to the gym I am full of energy and I can make some progress. Actually today I made new PR on my DL. 2 sets of 5x130 kgr, easy! Previous PR was 5x130, 4x130, one month ago.

After an energy wo, I keep on the restricted diet. After a weight lifting wo, I eat excess calories until I sleep, so I promote anabolism.

So what I am doing is trying to load the muscles with nutrients around my workouts. Eat a little more after weight lifting. I speed up my metabolism and eat less than maintenance calories. So I do loose fat, I gain strength. My muscle size is at the highest, my weight is at the highest. This idea came to me after I read the "Pimp my HST" pdf.

Some other parameters:
Before I used to take creatine only post wo. Now I split the dose and I take it pre+post wo.
Last cycle I did 3x5 sets. It was too much and I got overtrained. Now I do 2x5.

I cannot be 100% sure for the figures, because the differences in progress are not big. My spirit is up because I have much less work to do, I am almost on vacation. On the other hand the heat is too much here, I do not have an A/C and rarely I sleep total of more than 7 hours per day. I do have a caliper for BodyFat % measurement, but I cannot use it accurately. When I take chest/waist measurements, they are not accurate. The heat of the summer makes me sweat, the tape sticks on my body etc. But after years of measuring my body, I have a good idea of what is happening.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My chest increased 0,5-1 cm.
My waist decreased 0,5-1 cm.</div>

That's awesome BobPit!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I tried Tabata but I noticed that they are too draining for the CNS. </div>

Hell yeah! Been there, done that... Tabata is brutal and it really should only be done once per week at the very most.

All EAS really advises you to do is cardio it seems?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">

My BMR is about 2.400 kcal per day.</div>

You may like my Optimizing Your Caloric Intake thread... it's in my sig.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So on a typical energy wo day, my wo will cost me 270 kcals.</div>

How did you figure that out? How much do you run?

My workouts are usually an hour and cost me about 650 calories.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
So I THINK I protect my muscles, I promote anabolism, I speed up my metabolism and I burn more than 700 kcals of fat that day.</div>

What is your bodyfat%... use that to figure out how many pounds of fat you have. Multiply that by 31 and that should give you a rough estimate of the maximum caloric deficit that you can attain each day. That research link is also in my thread.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">

So although I am on a low calorie diet, when I go to the gym I am full of energy and I can make some progress. Actually today I made new PR on my DL. 2 sets of 5x130 kgr, easy! Previous PR was 5x130, 4x130, one month ago.</div>

(colby2152 @ Jun. 28 2007,09:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How did you figure that out? How much do you run? </div>
I use a HR meter. I monitor my HR and calories burnt. What I aim for is intensity. I think I run total of 1000-1100m in 7-9 minutes at various intensities. I make at least 3 intervals at speeds of equal or greater than 13km/hour. At 14-15km my HR approaches the max.

(colby2152 @ Jun. 28 2007,09:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
What is your bodyfat%... </div>

My electronic BF% reports 25% fat. I don't know. These are last years pictures. I am a little fatter and little more muscular now:]http
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I use a HR meter. I monitor my HR and calories burnt. What I aim for is intensity. I think I run total of 1000-1100m in 7-9 minutes at various intensities. I make at least 3 intervals at speeds of equal or greater than 13km/hour. At 14-15km my HR approaches the max.</div>

That's equal to 8.6mph, which for 8 minutes at my personal calculations (250 lbs = 26.02cal/min), I would burn about 208 calories, so that comes out within scale considering you are also changing the tempo and increasing your HR by HIIT.

| equals messy rant

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My electronic BF% reports 25% fat. I don't know. These are last years pictures. I am a little fatter and little more muscular now:]http </div>

I think your bf% is much lower. There always seems to be a high scale and a low scale that people have their bf% measured. Yours is probably around 12-15% since you have some upper abs.
On the body fat

The electronic scale that I used said I was 19% (this was at the end of my last cycle which was mid May).

Second week of June I did 7pt Caliper test and it said I was 14.66% BF, now this could be that I cut off more fat but I don't think it is possible to cut that much fat in 3 weeks is it? . Anyway, our builds are very similar. So given that I would say you are about 14% also.

I think the common and popular misconception that I hear all the time from guys (myself included) that if I can not see my abs I must be over 20% body fat.

Just as a side note that same scale Before I started HST said I was 30% BF. I started HST about a month later and is said I was 25%. A few friends of mine at that point said I was no more than 20. But naturally I didn't believe them

The guy who did the caliper test for me told me to throw out the scale
. I sold it in a garage sale for $5..


Let someone else get misreadings...

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think the common and popular misconception that I hear all the time from guys (myself included) that if I can not see my abs I must be over 20% body fat.</div>


I go by this scale...

12% - upper abs showing
10% - 4 pack
8% - 6 pack
(colby2152 @ Jun. 28 2007,11:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That's equal to 8.6mph, which for 8 minutes at my personal calculations (250 lbs = 26.02cal/min), I would burn about 208 calories, so that comes out within scale considering you are also changing the tempo and increasing your HR by HIIT.</div>
My HR meter reports 200-300 kcals expended for the entire wo, 20-30 minutes. As I said this includes 2-4 exercises of 1 set x 70-100 reps. Then I do HIIT running 5-9 minutes. My current weight is 84,5 kgr.

More details on
HST cycle2 -&gt; Energy wo.

(colby2152 @ Jun. 28 2007,11:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yours is probably around 12-15% since you have some upper abs.</div>
Keep in mind that I am contracting my abs, my entire body. I am posing here.
Colby wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I go by this scale...

12% - upper abs showing
10% - 4 pack
8% - 6 pack</div>

Yup, that about does least from my experience
(colby2152 @ Jun. 28 2007,09:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I tried Tabata but I noticed that they are too draining for the CNS. </div>

Hell yeah! Been there, done that... Tabata is brutal and it really should only be done once per week at the very most.</div>
I seen to be unable to do any kind of heavy deadlift/squat or any other leg pressing movements without aggravating an old lower back injury. Every time I try to slowly incorporate an exercise like that into my routine, within a few months something gives and I wake up unable to bend at the waist, and spend the next week in pain as I am on my feet all day at work.
So anyway I've been doing hindu squats which don't bother my back at all and are hard enough that I feel like I'm doing SOMETHING for my lower body. I do them tabata style, so far I am at 5 20-second sets of 12-15 reps, with 10 seconds rest (2.5 minutes total). I plan to increase every week by 30 seconds until I am doing the full 4 minute tabata protocol. So my question is, is there a reason I should not do this 3 times a week? I've never heard the once a week tabata limit before and I wonder why.

Try Sumo DL. They are easier on the back.

Try Tabata and see how it goes. You confessed that you cannot complete 4 minutes.

It is a matter of volume. I found them hard because I already do 3 weight lifting sessions per week, including DL and SQ. So I hit my lower body hard. Tabata would add to this. If you do not do DL, SQ, then maybe you can handle 3 sessions of lower body Tabata.
Bob: smile! You won't crack!

Do I understand that you do an HST workout one day, and cardio the next, but warm up with the highrep exersizes for it? Doesn't that affect the muscles used on the next day? I mean, 100 reps...that's gotta put some tearing into them IMO.

That's almost right. I do 2-4 exercises for upper body. I use light weights (35-40% of 1RM) and I try to do 70-100 reps with as little intervals as possible. I never go to failure.

I never felt shore from them. They are supposed to enhance recovery and hypertrophy. Read the article.

Friday I had a very bad day. I was under stress, I ate less than 1600 kcals, I missed wo. Late at night I was dead tired, I thought I would get sick. But I had a very good night sleep.

Saturday back to the gym. Last day of 5s. I had no trouble lifting the 5RMs for about half of the exercises. I had set the 5RMs a little higher than last cycle.

Oh, and I did notice that my waist was a little thinner.
You talked me into reading it. Interesting; I wonder what Brian's opinion would be. It at least has progression. And it seems to me that it should work, increasing work capacity. There are some camps out there against high rep/volume, but I guess it's all in the application.
(bobpit @ Jun. 30 2007,09:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I never felt shore from them.  They are supposed to enhance recovery and hypertrophy.  Read the article.</div>
From my expierence they work well...if you have the time.

I have always used iso with real light weight.

For example.

Monday might be a heavy day of benchpress.

Tuesday would be 4 sets of 25 reps with my 35 rep max or something. With Flys or pec dec

Very Very light weight and I would do them with FLYS or crossovers.
I managed to do 4 more workouts in July. I did a new PR in DL. Not sure for SQ because I am still learning good form and every week I Squat deeper and deeper.

The last 2 workouts I almost hurt myself, in both workouts. I took this as a sign of overtraining and stopped.

I still cannot say for sure If I gained muscle this way. I think I kept my max size and max strength (I did new PRs). But I did loose fat.

The final figures, from May 22nd to July 13th are:
My chest increased 0,0-0,5 cm.
My waist decreased 2,5 cm.
My weight decreased 1,2 kgr
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My waist decreased 2,5 cm.</div>

Pretty good results considering you set some PR's.

P.S. Maybe this thread should be moved to Training Logs.
(quadancer @ Jul. 01 2007,03:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You talked me into reading it. Interesting; I wonder what Brian's opinion would be. It at least has progression. And it seems to me that it should work, increasing work capacity. There are some camps out there against high rep/volume, but I guess it's all in the application.</div>
i did the 100rep thing in the 80s,not sure if it was larry scott or one of the 70s bodybuilders who i got the idea from.
but i did a full routine of them so it was like this
squats 100
deads 100
bench 100
b-o-r 100
milltary-press 100
wouldnt say i gained any muscle during, but i did when i went back to my normal workout,and i think that was because the 100 rep thing was so mentaly and phyisicaly taxing that doing 3 sets of 10 was a doddle and all my PRs went up.
(faz @ Jul. 25 2007,11:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i did the 100rep thing in the 80s
all my PRs went up.

If it was effective, why don't you use it any more?