sex and bodybuilding?

This is kinda of a weird question, but I am very concerned. I am really horny so I have sex 2 times a day. Will this effect my gains. I just dont thinK i can quit sex for bodybuilding
Sex, no matter how vigorous, burns hardly any calories at all. I don't care how into it you get, it simply doesn't burn hardly anything. And unless you are bench pressing your partner, and your partner weighs more than your 5 RM, I doubt it will effect RBE much.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Sep. 08 2005,11:24)]Sex, no matter how vigorous, burns hardly any calories at all. I don't care how into it you get, it simply doesn't burn hardly anything.
I just saw somwhere a calculation that one session usually takes about 200kcals. But dont worry, have a beer after sex
Estimates are inconsistent if you look around the web. Needless to say, I don't think sex is a good form of weight loss.

Also, there seems to be conflicting information about whether it increases testosterone or not. In fact, someone posted something a while back, a study that supported the idea that abstaining from sex can increase test, at least within a short term anyway.

I just don't worry about it too much. I think the one thing we all know is that having sex regularly has some mental benefits, that's plenty enough for me.
The study showed a 170% or so jump in serum test levels after seven days of abstaining from ejaculation. This increase will last until ejaculation occurs. It's a primal kick in the balls from mother nature. That's what I call it, anyway.

I've heard that abstaining can actually increase the risk of prostate cancer, so it's actually good for a guy to have sex often, or at least masturbate. I don't know if this is actually true, though. Anyone?
I don't know about either of those. I haven't managed to abstain for a long enough period to know about the testosterone boost. I've heard the prostate cancer thing, but if I remember correctly, that study was one of those where they just ask a bunch of people how often they've had sex over the past few years, then cross reference that with how many of them developed prostate cancer at some point...
If there were a 300% increase in testosterone for abstaining from sex that would'nt mean anything to me!

Gotta have the sex, and preventing prostate cancer is a good excuse too huh?!

Joe G
All I can tell you is that it responds better to the principle of frequency than the principle of progressive load...


/ R