Shoulders cant keep up on frequency


New Member
This must be common on HST, what can be done?

Has anyone else dealt(no pun intended) with this before, is it weak rotator cuffs, shoulder imbalance?

Me and my training partner get bad-sore supraspinatus muscles (failing o'brien's test).

The routine is like this:

2x8-15 standing side lateral raise every 2nd day (delt)
1x8-15 lying side lateral raise to 45degrees once per week (supraspinatus)

I have told my training partner to take out lying side lateral raise and just do only 1 set of standing lateral raises for now, but I am not sure what the problem is exacly, as it is not that much volume. I am thinking it may be the frequency, do rotator cuff muscles not agree with 48hour frequency? and if so what should be adjusted?

I dont believe it is a strength issue cause 2 months ago supraspinatus was trained exclusively in place of lateral delts ironically to prevent this situation.
It's the lying side lateral raise. My partner and I used to do them lying on an incline bench, and our shoulder joints started hurting. We stopped doing them, and the pain went away. I don't think shoulder joints were designed to handle progressively heavier weight that angle.

If you're trying to strengthen your shoulder joints, the exercise is not a lying side lateral raise. If I remember correctly, it's a lying on your side "L" rotation of the arm, where your upper arm is maintained alongside your torso and your forearm is perpendicular to your torso and parallel to the floor. With a weight in your hand, your forearm then just rotates up so that the forearm is perpendicular to the floor.
The lying side raise does the supraspinatus muscle, which is the most often injured and the one thats involved in most impingements, the L rotation is the external rotator the 2nd most injured.
On advice from a physio we no longer go heavy on lying side laterals.

The rep range now is kept between 8-15 rather than 5-15 and never to failure.
Yeah, I can see a lighter weight working for now, but I think that as you eventually progress to heavier weight in the higher rep range, the heavier weight will cause pain again.

Keep us updated several months from now.
Wide grip lat pulldowns/pullups doubles and decline tricep extensions are the suspects at the moment which are being cut out.
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