New Member
i remember your orig. post about considering sizeon. i see youve taken the plunge.
it will come as no surprise to you that im not the guinea pig type, at least as far as supps go. so much of what makes the supp. market go is aggressive advertising "get in loud, get your money and get out quick" type of thing. thousand of new product each yr. promise you the world yet within a short time they are either gone or "new and improved". the only supps worth anything have stood the test of time (pro. powder, bcaa, omega3 and even creatine). ironically (as i mentioned in orig. post) these are all found to some degree in the food you eat.
i realize your mainly focused on creatine products but they are certainly not immune from folks cashing in by spinning out all kinds of combo's. trust me, if its at all effective then it will still be around in 2-3yrs with a boatload of testimonials as well as believable research. if you can try and find a muscle mag. 3-5yrs old somewhere. see if you recognize 10% of the supps offered just a few yrs ago.
now this isnt to dissuade you from trying supps you want to. like i said before if you have an interest and think they'll help you then go for it, just 2 notes of caution.
1. dont fall for every hook you read. these folks are paid big $$$ to make you believe in what they offer. make no mistake, they are excellent at it.
2. your orig. post said you had diet and w/o dialed in. i hope that is true because it is 98% of what "getting bigger" is all about. you say you like analogies.... putting this much effort into supps if you dont have diet and w/o sorted out is like wanting a fast car but worrying about the color of the pinstripping and not addressing the engine, tires etc.
good luck
it will come as no surprise to you that im not the guinea pig type, at least as far as supps go. so much of what makes the supp. market go is aggressive advertising "get in loud, get your money and get out quick" type of thing. thousand of new product each yr. promise you the world yet within a short time they are either gone or "new and improved". the only supps worth anything have stood the test of time (pro. powder, bcaa, omega3 and even creatine). ironically (as i mentioned in orig. post) these are all found to some degree in the food you eat.
i realize your mainly focused on creatine products but they are certainly not immune from folks cashing in by spinning out all kinds of combo's. trust me, if its at all effective then it will still be around in 2-3yrs with a boatload of testimonials as well as believable research. if you can try and find a muscle mag. 3-5yrs old somewhere. see if you recognize 10% of the supps offered just a few yrs ago.
now this isnt to dissuade you from trying supps you want to. like i said before if you have an interest and think they'll help you then go for it, just 2 notes of caution.
1. dont fall for every hook you read. these folks are paid big $$$ to make you believe in what they offer. make no mistake, they are excellent at it.
2. your orig. post said you had diet and w/o dialed in. i hope that is true because it is 98% of what "getting bigger" is all about. you say you like analogies.... putting this much effort into supps if you dont have diet and w/o sorted out is like wanting a fast car but worrying about the color of the pinstripping and not addressing the engine, tires etc.
good luck