slight knee pain


New Member
in my 5's atm working out full body 6x a week, Current leg works includes 2 sets of either squats/legpress and 2 hamstring curls/calves per day. Been noticing some stiffness in my knees. It's only really noticeable when lowering myself during maybe the first 30 degrees from standing up, there is a roughness and a slight cracking noise in both knees the lower I go the more it smoothes out. There is slight discomfort as well if I've been inactive for a while and I go to get up. The slight discomfort however goes once I warm up.

I doesn't seem to be effecting my weights sessions but I just want to be cautious so it doesn't develop into something else. Any ideas? patellar tracking problem?
House maids knee. Sit on the floor, legs out straight - then try to pull your knee into the floor; that'll sort it out... (3x8 with a 2-3 second squeeze)
Also try squatting with a slightly wider stance, this'll bring your vastus medialis into play - and avoid letting your knees "come-in" when in the concentric phase.
You could try box squats, they're great at tightening-up the whole knee area.
As the Master said, try box squats with a wide stance and the feet pointed out at a 20 to 30 degree angle.