Software: How to reverse engineer diets


New Member

For context purposes:

This post is the result of the board member's requests, as the pictures thread was getting a bit off topic due to the interest created, that began at this post: (link below)

Basically, I'm currently part of a team developing a piece of software which allows users to enter any number of foods they would like.

Provided they have the nutritional information for that food, the software's algorithm can determine a "diet" for them that matches their macronutrient needs.

A high level overview:

-User creates a profile

-User either lets the system determine their macronutrient needs (based on height, weight, activity, weight loss/gain goals, etc.) OR the user may determine their own needs and enter those themselves.

-User can enter their favorite foods, or search from a database of foods and add them to the foods they want to eat that day.

-The system then can calculate a plan for them based on those foods.

Obviously, not all foods can meet your macronutrients perfectly. For example, if you want to eat peanuts all day, there's just no way to get enough carbohydrates, if your diet plan includes carbohydrates. But, for most foods it works like a charm, and if it can't find a way to calculate, it gives feedback on what's missing.

Anyhow, I didn't really expect too much interest in this type of product here, because it seems like most people have their own routine and kind of intuitively know what to eat.

That being said, personally, I really like it, just because it makes my life easier. And if I want to eat at Wendy's I can, and it fits.

You could even make it work to make sure you are on a slow bulk instead of too large of one, etc. Or if your just plain bored with eating the same foods every day.

So, that's the 30,000 foot overview.

I'll keep you guys posted.

As you folks have helped me out a bunch with your information/advice, I thought I'd try and work out a deal for the regulars here

If you have any suggestions/feedback/ideas/questions about the software go for it.

As it's not released yet, I'm not sure how much I can answer at this point, but... it's worth a shot.

Happy Friday!
I think this is the best idea I have ever seen for nutritional software. And quite frankly I'm surprised it hasn't been done already. I mean what could be better than telling the software what foods you want to eat and having it tell you how much of each food fits your desired macro nutrient profile?

I'm also curious what their projected price point is.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you have any suggestions/feedback/ideas/questions about the software go for it.</div>

Will there be a myriad of nutrition facts with details on Carbs, Fat, Protein, Alcohol, Vitamins, Minerals, and Sterols? Much of my interest goes into the breakdown of fats into not only saturated and unsaturated, but into Omega Fatty Acids: long o3 (DHA, EPA), and short o3 (ALA).

I'll volunteer myself as a tester!

Send me an email at and I will send you my body and diet measurements excel sheet. It is fairly extensive in both diet and exercise measurements.
I was checking your log from the link you posted in the other thread and noticed your nutritional info. Which reminded me that you posted about this software, which I'm assuming you were using to give the nutritional info you posted in your log.

Any word on when this software will be released and what kind of price tag it will have?
I had almost forgotten about this. Haven't seen HectaM around here lately. I hope he stops in to let us know when this software is available.

(Bulldog @ Jun. 27 2008,11:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I had almost forgotten about this. Haven't seen HectaM around here lately. I hope he stops in to let us know when this software is available.

I've been waiting for it too! Perhaps one of us should PM him in hopes of a reply!
that does sound good. I got all excited untill i noticed that this was first posted a year ago. Does anyone know of similar type of software out there? I googled around, but couldn't really come up with anything.
I'm just noticing this for the first time, but I would definitely be interested in hearing about this software, including pricing, as it sounds massively convenient.